Is being positive absolutely necessary to overcome SA?


Well-known member
Is being positive absolutely necessary to overcome SA? I know we all can be really positive but we also have those extreme moments of negativity. What do you guys think?
You sure like to make topics, don't you? :D I like your questions though, so I'm very happy to answer to them :).

To answer your question: I would say so. Social anxiety is not much than a structure of negative believes... so you definately need "positive" thoughts to fix the negative thoughts.

"Positive" does not mean "fluffy" by the way... you don't have to be "fakely positive" :)


Well-known member
You don't have to be positive with everything in your life, but when it comes to SA, then any negative beliefs in this area will hinder your path forward.


Well-known member
i would say yes. absolutely yes. it's the only way i've come as far as i have... people have no idea how much being negative really hinders us. and in the same way, how much positivity can really help us.... yeah, i sound like an effing hippie, but i'm serious, haha


Well-known member
I would have to give a very definite yes to this one. A positive mindset is probably our most valuable weapon against our anxiety and phobias. The more positive you are able to keep your mindset, the easier it is to begin to get the subconscious mind to begin reacting positively in any situation.

Perhaps having a look at some mental self help for anxiety will make what I am trying to say a bit clearer. Anyway, that is my opinion and I have found that developing a positive mindset has helped me beyond words. Hope you all have a fantastic anxiety free day.


I also believe it's necessary to combat and overcome SA. A good portion of SA is generated through negative outlooks, as mentioned--along with bad experiences, of course.

Anyway, once you begin to think positive and not allow your negative thoughts to suppress you, there's light at the end of the tunnel.