Introversion and SP.


Introversion is "the state of or tendency toward being wholly or predominantly concerned with and interested in one's own mental life". Introverts tend to be more reserved and less assertive in social situations. Introversion is not the same as shyness/SP. Introverts choose solitary over social activities by preference, whereas shy/social phobics people avoid social encounters out of fear.

The reason for my post is because in order to have social phobia, one must be constantly thinking about other people's opinions and thoughts. A lot of brain power goes into this, and I think we become very cognitive. As an introvert with social phobia, a lot of times when I'm not flooded with adrenaline, I lose interest in conversation with people. Also, I think I have learned to become very interested by my own thoughts of things, rather than whatever is stimulating about social interactions.

Thoughts? Comments? Do you find that you get bored with people that you are comfortable with?

Just curious if Introversion and SP can be related somehow.


Well-known member
I would definitely consider myself an introvert. I often find myself not amused by most of the activities that all the social butterflies are a part of. It definitely goes along with my SA.


Well-known member
I'm extremely extroverted around a few people
but thats like 5 people out of 1500 people in my school
With the rest I'm extremely introverted...


Well-known member
Not all introverts are social phobics, but I'd say that almost everyone with social anxiety will be an introvert. Though, I've often wondered if an extrovert with social anxiety would test out as an introvert, simply through the nature of the questions asked. Could they go to big social events, hide away, and vicariously enjoy the abundance of interactions? If they had severe social anxiety I'd imagine them being the most unbelievably miserable people around. The extroverted SA sufferer is probably a very interesting person, a person I'd like to hear from.


Active member
Because I really cannot translate the meaning of introvert given above, could someone plese tell me what it means?... sorry for this :(


Because I really cannot translate the meaning of introvert given above, could someone plese tell me what it means?... sorry for this :(

An introvert, to me, is someone whose thoughts are stimulating enough to keep you interested without the need for social interaction.
Introversion and shyness are different. Introversion is when you can be so interested by your own thoughts that you don't feed off of social interaction. Shyness is when you want to be social, your just afraid (kind of like a weaker form of Social Phobia). One cannot be both extroverted (socially stimulated) and introverted. If you are moderate on both sides than you are ambiverted.

To the user who said that you are extroverted around like 5 people, and introverted around the rest, if you are being yourself around those five people, then you are extroverted. The social phobia is what is smothering social life, causing you to be shy, not introverted. It's a common mistake.

It's funny how most of us are introverted (thought stimulated), yet we all desire to be social butterflies. When in reality, if we were comfortable in social settings, most people would lose our interest.

Is everyone here attracted to (not in a sexual sense) extremely spontaneous people? Those are the people that can hold my attention.

If anyone still doesn't understand. Try reading this Extraversion and introversion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Thoughts? Comments?


Active member
I definatelly am an introvert then. But I don't see relation between that and SA.
I would be an introvert even without SA. Because SA is about fearing of other people judjing me
and being introvert is about needing other people in order to function.
I think these two are not related.
But I also think that nobody, none at all, could claim not to like a possitive human
interaction, not even introverts.
My whole life I felt like totally losing myself and energy after socializing, because I am an introvert,
but without human interaction I would be a zombie. My life would be still, there would be no thinking, not moving, no progress.
I think the phase where the introverts try to synchronize with themselves again after
a social experience, is what keeps us alive and going on.
So I think both intros and extros need people. Just the intros have to walk a longer way
to benefit from socializing