
Hey there!

I don't know exactly what to say to start my introduction.
Well, let's give it a try. :D
I'm 21, I come from Italy and I'm a med student.
I'm already a member of the italian version of this forum, but I'd be glad to join your site in order to relate with you all and share experiences/solutions about dealing with social anxiety, social phobia, shyness and panic attacks.
I've always had difficulties with social situations and I've never had a lot of friends, just one or two during the high school.
Actually, I used (well, still use) to keep people at distance because I appreciated my loneliness. In short, I've always been an introverted and shy girl, but I had been struggling with those other issues since I was fifteen, when I first went through a panic attack.
I thought that hurdle was impossible to overcome and I got depressed.
Now I think that none could get my issues and my sensitivity (obviously well-hidden under my outer shell), but I'd like to meet someone to talk to because I've realized that loneliness is not as good as I thought.
Despite that, I still minimize my public interactions, even when attending classes at university.
I suppose that's enough, at least for now.
Finally, I'm sorry for every possible grammatical error and every mistake I've made. Hope that my english would be quite clear to you, as I'm not that good at it.
I really wanna break out of my burdens, so I hope to hear from you soon and benefit each other from that. :)

(Ah, just out of curiosity, my username refers to Pearl Jam's Nothingman. :D)


Well-known member
Greetings, nothingwoman. Your English is fine so you don't need to worry about that. :) Welcome to the forum.


You want to know how I got these scars?
G'day and welcome :)
No need to stress about your spelling. We won't call the grammar police...this time! Lol :)