"to all my lovers:
To Worrydoll "
1) "How would you describe a filthy look? The idea of someone
giving a “filthy” look needs someone who expects and is looking
for it? body language is tricky and is usually interpreted according
to our paradigms, ex if you see a man blowing in his coffee you
assume he wants to make it colder, however if you see a man blowing
in his hand you assume he wants to make it warmer, in both cases
he’s blowing."
Hey Norm how about these for definitions (you know you love it):
pedant:b : one who one who makes an unimaginative show of knowledge and who unduly emphasizes minutiae in the presentation or use of knowledge.
I think this is the point that 'NOrm' is trying to make:
paradigm:3 : a philosophical and theoretical framework of a scientific school or discipline within which theories, laws, and generalizations and the experiments performed in support of them are formulated; broadly : a philosophical or theoretical framework of any kind...
So you are stating the obvious with no real intentions on educating but rather to try to make a show ( and probably intimidate with those big, big words)... ooohhh scary....
... but you would love to fool yourself
into believing that you know better. Sometimes a blow is a blow and
sometimes when someone blows directly in your face he/she MAY have an obvious intention. If we want to tell ourselves better by saying
that we should just ignore that person because he has issues we can,
other times we CHOOSE to be human and respond back. It all depends
on at that moment how emotional we are and to what extent we deem
him/her worthy of a response. I think many of us assume that you have
half of a brain... but apparently maybe, just maybe we are wrong.
2)"I did mention that I was seeking help, so who’s not reading?" And
that gave us pause to think...hmmm, maybe this person really is
capable of reasoning and is trying to show us the value of accepting
ourselves no matter what another person thinks... to just come out w/
it... and then you go on to do your usual self esteem saving move...
oh, I just mess with you guys for giggles (paraphrasing, my pedant friend) .. any irony there?
So that leads me to other legit questions.... do you have any other
mental illnesses, including personality disorders or are you incapable
of a logical flow of thoughts (which may be a symtom of a disorder)?
3)'…so we socialphobes being tired of people who understand
nothing of socialphobia besides a distorted, biased, narrow,
subjective and 'ego-centric' (self centered) view. Yes, when we
are patronized and insulted we attack back...'
"Is that how people see you? Or is that how you THINK people see you?
Your cure is in your answer." No that's only how I saw you... not all people.
Look my point of this discussion isn't to win a point at all cost but to learn something and hopefully teach you something...I know there are
elements of truth.. but overall you are wrong.. ask for proof do you?
that is what I have been doing and will continue to do. By the way,
just to give you a pat on the ass.. yes, I use to be defensive towards
people, but I have been dealing with that and I know that most people
aren't like you... see I am getting better.. much better than I use
to be when I was at my worst socialphobia. Oh yeah see my prior posting about brain chemistry and look at my arguments holistically if you can.
I have given up on teaching you anything because you are much too smart and arrogant to learn. It is apparent from the evidence that you are trying to give us tough love and trying to make a point (teach us something). But then you freak out on us when we don't go 'awe' norm may have something there... therefore it is ok for norm to insult us...no actually thinking humans can learn from direct rational conversation (actually they learn better this way). So while your grandious intention may have an element of truth in them, the method that you use is not a good one.
Ok, now go save face and say but I am just getting shit and giggle
by messing with you.
'... basically with your words you directed us to fulfill your preconcieved notions….'
"Conspiracy theory… " Ok, honestly, you take something out of context..
how about addressing the entire evidence of my 'conspiracy theory' and
tell me how I am wrong... your preconcieved notion: that somehow you have something to teach by your insults and we should just listen, if we don't then somehow we are just fulfilling our defensive roles which is at the root of our problems... maybe we are defensive (at least I am) but
that doesn't mean that I am wrong in that you believe you have a right
to insult, are some how more knowledgable or 'better' than us just because you find it natural and easier to socialize. But I've already addressed that in my prior postings...
Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2004 7:18 pm
“….Are you just slightly mentally incapacitated or mildly retarded?
'Look I agree with you view point..'
Yes, my young sophist and pedant... it is possible to agree with one point
without agreeing with the entire argument or concept.. you have proved
my point that...
"Check Libby OHare"... maybe you are in fact the autistic one... some autistic people have the inability to take a logical abstract argument and see how certain concepts fit into the bigger picture. PS: How is your
attention span? If you had bothered reading my prior posting, you would know that I already came to the conclusion that I was inncorrect when I said that I was afraid of having Apergers... I have demonstrated that I have the ability for casual conversation.. I just need more practice at it. It's called growing and learning. It may be something you might be interested in checking into, if you are not too 'cool' to do so.
Just give it up... I can run rings around your simple-minded pedantry
your arguments don't add up and are generally wrong, even the points that you try to make when you take minutae (that you are so found of) out of context... and funny I can prove you wrong by addressing all of your arguments not by doing the old trick where someone makes attacks on other peoples characters or avoids the other person arguments all together just so that you are able to make a point... that is called sophistry: look it up you may actually learn something. But maybe you are so narcisitic and arrogant that you would start trying to insult a word in the dictionary because it offended you and you know... you know... just know that you are right. Yes, I have sarcastically insulted you and attacked your character because you have shown me that you don't want to learn anything and that you some how have the right to do so without anyone else being able to do so. But, unlike you I have addressed your argument and don't have to take things out of context.
So if you are so unafraid, why don't you pick some of our subjects that
may actually prove true and even the ones that don't and argue about those without taking phrases out of context. Other wise it is evidence
that you have something to hide

and can only insult and take a biased
approach which boosts your self esteem. It's obvious that you only want
to prove a point not by being correct but by skirting around issues
and attacking people's characteristics Now why don't you do something nonsensical by bring up Libby oHare, because you obviously can't win an argument intelligently. As if wining an argument is any better than actually learning something useful from them and being able to have the courage to admit that at times you may be wrong.
If you don't have anything meaningful and semi-accurate to add then I will ignore any additional remarks from you. And now, now Norm I don't
hate you but I just have to cut off the abuse... we both have to get something out of this relationship... and no I don't love you either
No I am sorry, you are right about one thing... it is obvious that you are a fool... I blush not because you insult me, but because I am embarrassed by your foolish absurdity. This is below all of us to keep responding to you.
Take care.