First Norm, on one point, I have to agree with you. It is really no body elses fault if you have SA. However I don't think anyone or most people on here blame others for their problem. Of course they shouldn't. The way you react to a situation is entirely under your control. That said, isn't it a bit silly to expect people to be polite and peacefully discuss the issue, when you just abuse them? The fact is, no one does this to be cool. If someone is just being cool by being quiet, then they don't have SA.
I think I can speak for everyone with SA that if they could make it go away they would. It feels like sh*t to have it. People aren't just going to live through that pain for nothing. Thing is, your sort of right in that people with SA are rather self absorbed and are really judging others for how they think they will be judged. BUT and its a big BUT, if it was a simple as learning to trust people, no one would have it. A couple of cliched comments will not cure people.
Rather than try to understand your agressive behaviour, I am just going to ask, what is your motive for coming on here and abusing people? I hope your not trying to help because your really doing a bad job. As you have shared, you have problems, I'm sure you wouldn't like people telling your faking it, or you just need to try harder or some crap like that. But thats what you are doing here to us. Thing is Norm, you can't really be secure if you don't have control over your emotions. Can you really say that having your problem is better than our problem?
Perhaps your time would be better spent dealing with your own problems rather than on here trying and really only trying to deal with ours.