I'm so mad right now


Well-known member
The way your brother treated you is absolute bullshit.
My brother, who's actually four years younger, would taunt me as being lazy, a no-hoper, a depressed bitch all because I struggled with social anxiety and couldn't find a job for 6 months. I'd be depressed enough, without some complete arsehole labelling me these horrible putdowns. It really does tear at this mental wound. And then my Dad, who also suffers from SP, explained this to my brother, who would in turn use it as ammunition the next time he felt like being a complete ****-off.
I had this for bullying for months, my sister and Dad sometimes joining in, before one day I broke down in the car and my Uncle was there. He told me not to care what those effwits said, to be myself and not let them get to me. It actually worked! They've stopped, ever since I got myself together and ignored it.
It's a terrible situation but somehow you have to drag yourself up, because no one else ever will. I'm not sure how bad your SP is, but setting small goals gradually helped me. Good luck


Well-known member
That sucks. But don't let it get to you. That's how "normal" people see us. Use his words to move on, to prove that what he said is wrong


Well-known member
Do you accept yourself the way you are? The more I embraced my need to stay in sometimes, and the struggles I had in life due to my SA, I was able to move forward and not care what others thought of me. You should do the same and tell people who hassle you about it to "effe off!" You know you, they don't...

I agree with this. There is no moving forward without acknowledgement of your problem, and also honoring your comfort zones in order to make moves to extend them.