If you have only very recently been diagnosed then it will take some time to sink in. That is not to say that you have not lived with this disorder for alot longer.
I think these guys are trying to offer advice, one of the key aspects being taking responsibility. In my experience it is not possible to solve these problems in a matter of weeks. I have been a work in progress for seven and half years! I have found with my disorders that I have HAD to do the bulk of my healing on my own. I do not dispute for one minute that support is vital. Friends, family and sites such as this.
Perhaps the point is at the end of the day it IS all down to us whether we choose to get better. Not choice as in, hmmm, what biscuit shall I have with my coffee, choice as in I will keep taking risks. Even though I feel uncomfortable, paranoid and vunerable, I will keep putting myself out there.
I remember my diagnosis being given to me, and being shell shocked for a long time. I was in a psychiatric unit under section, had no real grasp of reality at the time. I was not diagnosed with SA in a hospital, I have never been diagnosed with SA, however other mental health problems impact and share the same syptoms. In my experience you have to allow some time to pass to accept what you have been told is wrong with you. A difficult, cold and lonely time, for me anyway. Thank goodness there are sites such as these for people to share advice and experience.
Peace xxx