I'm hungry


There's nothing to eat. Hunger makes me socially anxious!
I'm so broke I've had to shake the toaster crumbs from the bottom of the inside of the toaster onto a plate and call it dinner
Anyone want to order me a pizza? Me love you long time!


Well-known member
yea pizza tuna , olives , cheese , thats it really go order lolzzz ::p:


Well-known member
"Hi, Pizza hut, can you deliver this pizza to Miami Florida?.." but by the time you get it, you might have already died of starvation.


Well-known member
If I wasn't equally as poor and starving, trust me I would! Maybe somebody can order me one too? <: D? lol


Well-known member
If I lived in America I would probably actually do it for ****s and giggles and to see if you actually received it (Assuming you gave me your address)


Well-known member
Heh, that would be interesting, if a group of people got together and started ordering pizzas for each other... it's too bad we're all too broke. I'm so bored, that actually sounds like something fun to occupy my time. We could let each other know what we wanted, draw to see who orders for who, order the pizzas, and then keep each other updated on when they arrived and how good they were.


I officially give my soul to Luke1993, who was awesome and kind enough to order me a delicious Large Cheese Pizza from Papa Johns!
Waiting for it to arrive :D


Well-known member
Yeah I can't believe I actually did that lol order a pizza for someone else in another country with my debit card! Well random act of kindness for the day done! :D


Well-known member
Hahah awwww, way to go Luke! I was going through this thread and actually considerrrrrring slightlyyyyyyy possibly buying the pizza. Thanks for saving me 10 dollaz though.