I'm fed up of life


Well-known member
krs2snow said:
Recluse, what do you want to do? What activities make you happy? You have to start small to make big changes! For example, one huge difference in my life would be to wake up early enough in the mornings to work out. So, I am going to start with that. I am going to start small and work my way up. I think you should do the same! Perhaps you're first step should be getting your own place! Getting out of my parents environment did me a Load of good. Maybe that's where you should start. Don't look at the "big" picture. Take it one step at a time and make small advances towards the life you want.

That's advice I need to listen to as well. I'm always dreaming up big plans and then giving up on them because they seem impossible, instead of concentrating on the little things that I could do to make my life more enjoyable. I know it's a silly all-or-nothing attitude, so I don't know why I do it! :?


Well-known member
Hi Princess_haru. I do the all or nothing thing too. But I'm trying not to so much. I have been getting up early and exercising. Ok, well, it's only been for the past 2 days and yesterday I ran on the treadmill for a whopping 10 mins. So it wasn't much. But, I did it! :D

Recluse, Nice tattoo! :D
I can understand how you'd be scared to move to your own place. It is scary! But I bet once you got there you'd LOVE it! You'd have your own stuff and your own space and could do whatever you felt like doing. And you can always go visit mom and dad if you get lonely (or need food! hehe)


Well-known member
Hey, recluse I feel exactly like that when I'm depressed...actually yesterday, pretty much all day. Just confused an...shit.

I think you need to move out, like I do..has to be a good thing, right? new life, independence an all that. I have to move out in the next few months anyway an I dunno how I'm gonna live with other people, but it's gotta be done somehow


Well-known member
krs2snow said:
Hi Princess_haru. I do the all or nothing thing too. But I'm trying not to so much. I have been getting up early and exercising. Ok, well, it's only been for the past 2 days and yesterday I ran on the treadmill for a whopping 10 mins. So it wasn't much. But, I did it! :D

I keep thinking about getting up early (like 6am, which is crazily early for me!) to go running. I might buy some trainers at the weekend so I can start... *gulp* it's a bit scary though cos I'm kind of puny and lazy, lol! How did you manage to get up and exercise early in the morning? Any tips would be welcome :wink:


Well-known member
there is so much to live for in life, watching the news makes me open my eyes and mind to all the tragedies out there and makes me want to get more out of my life as others out there are dying and im just sat here wasting my life away. my mind sounds just like yours, constantly racing, meds were supposed to help but now they don't. sometimes i just want to scream, but then i realise that no one is going to hear me so there really is no point, now im going to shut up and get another drink.lols!