Im a walking hypocrite

Now that im in my early 20s ive worked a great deal on figuring out just exactly who I am and what I stand for. I came to the conclusion that we as a whole (society) really need to just chill out and truly figure out what is most important to us. We need to stop treating each other like crap and think about the other people in the world. We all know that everyone has problems, but instead of just acting like oh well screw it, it aint me so its not my problem. Imagine a world where all have somebody to lean on, someplace thats tolerant twards different races, religions and other beliefs. A place where you can walk outside and random strangers not onpy say hi, but are actually interested in you and what you have to say. (As you can probably tell my now im a bit of a hippy)

I unfortunately cannot act apon any of this because of my anxiety and it kills me every day. The fact that after 20 years of soul searching and finally figuring out what matters the most to me and I cant live out any of it just makes me sick, if theres one thing I could change about myself it would be this

For what its worth, from a random guy on the internet, I care about each and every one of you and really wish the best for all of you. Please try and pass it forward, we dont need to live like this, the world CAN be a better place.
I totally agree and it's about time that this world start to realize what they are really here for. We are all in this together and another person's problems, no matter what part of the globe, is our own. I don't know how people can go to bed each night knowing that they've been so cruel.


Well-known member
I feel like a hyprocrite too especially in times when I can't express my true feelings and end up acting like a robot. Part of the problem is shyness and anxiety. I watch movies and see characters having no trouble expressing themselves. Even acting does not come easy for me.


Well-known member
This is very important for any modern day culture to understand. That family, friends, conversation, even awkward attempts at conversing, helping others is very important, far more important then living for pure selfishness and status reasons, which is merely a mindset of fear. There is this obsession with getting richer and status that isolates people into these bubbles and leads to bad things.

I think this whole, everyone has to have an expensive car, house, great job, big ego, status, really does build a wall of isolation that just seems really unhealthy.

There are a few issues I have.

There is no auditing of people. We don't sit our friends or family down and give them a once a year "Are you alright"? How are things going. How is your life.

Maybe we need to embrace any form of communication in person, even if its awkward, at least its an attempt to connect to people. Maybe awkward and not getting the words right first time is a good things it takes a lot of courage to reach out and talk in the first place.
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