i'm a fake, and i have no soul!


Well-known member
RedRibbons said:
Just because you are a different person, with different people, doesn't make you soul-less. It is natural for people to alter their behaviour according to the company they are with. I think. lol. Or I am in the same boat as you. I am a chameleon. I generally stay true to myself (whoever that may be), but when I'm in the company of certain people, certain traits are more pronounced than others.

I don't know.

I agree, im like this too, I act differently around different people, but I wouldnt say thats a bad thing, all youre doing is adjusting to your surroundings and company


I agree with everyone and have felt the same on many occasions.

What seems strikingly apparant is that 'we all feel the same way!'
AND we all have found ourselves on a social phobia website.
I take heart knowing that this upsetting phenomena is a 'symptom' of the condition we share.
I feel with various other problems i have around mental health issues that if you recognise issues for what they really are and not 'buy into' what can seem a very real way of thinking or percieving then the problem seems halved if not quashed, kinda like slaying the dragon by robbing it of its power.....
Anyway its easier said than done, but its helped me alot to think this way and try to 're ground' myself every now and again.
As far as the soul issue goes, your percieved loss or lack of soul is basically you being ultra negative about yourself due to depression and the symptom of low self esteem that often comes with it.
I know its horrible it eats you up and the flatness feels like someone stole your inner self.
I just force myself to wake up!, realise and look at what my symptoms are having me believe about my reality today.
Try it its a little clinical but it works for me, and eventually if kept up may even change your negative thought patterns for the positive. m


in addition to above.

regards the switching personality thing.
If you were lay in bed at night and couldnt get comfortable then you would be restless, switching positions till you could relax and get comfortable.
I feel that is what we are doing in these social situations trying new positions/personas because its important to everyone to feel comfortable and we will all adjust OR get out of a position that makes us feel otherwise.
Its our social phobias that make us feel uncomfortable provong that its the symptom that is causing our behavior. Lets give ourselves a break! I know im trying to. Anyone agree??


stardog said:
I feel kind of like this...I don't really have an idea of what I am, what I want, just feel totally hollow.

And I seem to be clueless about everything...I have a kind of half-baked, lazy thought process which means people are constantly correcting me. My mind is just blurred, filled with confusion. I can't articulate anything cause my thoughts are just a mess. The only thing I'm good at really is music and all opportunities have passed me by there.

aagh Im messed up.

I experience this "noise" as well. My psychologist told me that there's a chance that I use this noise to shroud my brain from past traumas and negative thoughts. If I focus on what the actual noise is then I get some answers. Think of it as a ball of threads that you have to pick apart and lay out into separate threads. This is just a theory. An expensive theory.


New member

I have a freggin great adivce for you!!!

Please, please, PLEASE watch the movie "Waking Life" !!!!!

it'll help you in so many ways you can't even imagine!

It gave me so much awareness

Also, yuou might be suffering from depression

Or i dunno

I had, I was so miserable but thank god I came back to life!!!! :lol:


Well-known member
I'm pretty fake/phony myself. It's something I've been trying to work on, because I feel like I shouldn't change myself to make someone else like me.


Well-known member
Infected_Malignity said:
wow. this one is going to hurt, that's all i can say.

plainly and simply put, i have no soul. depending on who i'm with at the time, my mind automatically conjures up whatever attributes it chooses in order to gain acceptance. in otherwords, i shapeshift. i'm made of liquid and i have absolutely no 'self' to come home to. whenever i try to fight this instinctual process that happens, i become socially anxious... which is where i'm at now. but oddly enough, whenever i let it all blow to the breeze and forget this whole 'be yourself' shit, i return to my normal state of not being socially anxious in the slightest.

just wondering if anybody else is remotely like me at all! i doubt it, but thought i'd post anyway. it sucks to not have a soul, that's all i can say. i'm like a social perfectionist - might as well give into the urge to be perfect and master the goddamn craft. beats the hell out of fighting it.

Fake people with no souls are people too. There's nothing wrong with it. And yes, there are a lot out there like you. And it's ok. Just work on being more generous and compassionate, it's better then being "real" and having a soul.


Well-known member
Dude, Everyone has a soul. But that's another discussion.

What you are talking about is Identity. You have no identity of who you are. This is normal if you are in your late teens and even early twenties.
Superman has an Identity. Here's your homework. Can you dig up his identity. What are his beliefs. What are his values?

So this is what you do. Form your opinions of things. From broad things like who are you. What is your place in the world etc to minor things like what is your fav color etc. The minor things are not needed but I am just giving you a perspective of what we are talking about.
You may not know the answer to everything. That's ok. But try to figure out the answers to things that are important to you.

To give you a concrete example. I can't stand girls who smoke. Cause Smoke irritates me. So if I meet an awesome girl who smokes. Will I make her my girl. If I have a strong Identity I will say no. Cause I believe that I am a quality guy and that I will meet quality girls like that who don't smoke. So I am going to let this one go and meet other girls.
Now this is one small aspect of my identity, as it defines a belief that I have. Like that there will be 100's of things that you define for yourself.

So form your opinions & don't be afraid of talking about your opinions. If someone has a better belief than you, then adopt it and thank that person for showing it to you.

Here are some beliefs that I have installed in me.
The way you install them is by doing affirmations. The affirmations will take effect when you emotionally own them. ie., try to identify how you feel when you agree on something. That's what you need to agree with these new beliefs.

- I am the best in what ever I do
- I am the shit
- Chicks dig me. They can't have enough of me
- I am super confident all the time
- I am super social all the time.
- I am smiling all the time
- I am happy all the time.

So yeah, lets see what kind of Identity you build for yourself. Are you going to model it after Superman or Bill Gates. What is important to you??