

I always find it hard to make ''Icebreakers'' in Crowds.
Like waiting rooms, Bus stations, Flowery, Shops.. etc
Do you make ''Icebreakers?''
Or are you too scared to do that too to take the iniative?

Once I was at the hospital cuz my mom was there, and I stood in a smoke-block ( a thing where smokers use to smoke i'm sorry for my english lol ::p:)
And my grandpa said.. ''I'm glad I don't smoke, i'm wise haha''
(I also don't smoke btw) , All the people laughed.
I sometimes feel like making an icebreaker, but I really can't say it out loud.
I don't have the gudds to do that..
I hope I will someday

But once we were playing southpark ( when I was in clinic ) And a groupleader gave us some cake, and I loudly said.. ''SPEEDCAKE!'' they all laughed really hard.
That was very cool to do XD
Usually, my mouth remains shut unless someone talks to me first. I'm not after rudeness, it's just my SA. I can hold a conversation if I'm under the gun, but it is definitely not a situation I prefer, having to obsess about the words that are coming out of my mouth as well as disguising any physical signs of nervousness.


Well-known member
I don't do icebreakers with complete strangers...don't feel the need. I go in, do what I need and get out.


Well-known member
Not me, when i'm in a group i try to be as invisible as possible, only spoke if spoken to and try to end conversations asap since i know i can't hold them for long


Well-known member
Very rarely will I be the one to talk first. I don't feel the need to fill in silence with small talk, so I'm content to stand around in silence waiting for my business to be done, whether it's standing line buying stuff, using an elevator, a doctors waiting room, etc.

Unless something interesting is happening while I wait, or if some people are all ready in a conversation and I overhear something I am interested in, I will stay quiet.


Well-known member
all depends on the person , if they look a little shy like me i dont mind talking to them , but if they have tons of confidence , i sometimes shy away ........


Well-known member
no one expects you to make small talk in a crowd. and it's darn near impossible if you're actually trying to think of something to say. they time you said "speedcake" were you trying to think of something or did it just pop into your head? it was probably the latter. jsut focus on the other people around you or think about why you are there and something might pop into your head without trying.