IBS and SP?


New member
I am new to this site. I have never been diagnosed with SP but from what i have been reading it sounds a lot like what I have. I do have IBS. Does anyone else have both of these? I think one is partially causing the other. Kind of a which came first the chicken or the egg. Anyone have any thoughts?


New member
Yes irritable bowel syndrome. It seems like any time i go to do something it hits me. It is making my life very difficult.


Well-known member
I might have it too, I have been suffering from chronic constipation for over a decade. I eat tons of fibre (veggies, fruit, whole wheat bread, brown rice) every day. In fact, the only reason I don't take antidepressants is that they cause constipation.


New member
My problem is the opposite. I fear that when i go somewhere that i will have to go to the restroom and either can't because there isn't one or people will notice that i am sick and ask me what the problem is. And a thousand other thoughts go with it. I have recently lost a girlfriend over all of this and it seems like it has all got worse. It has add more depression, more anxiety, more ibs and more social issues and i don't know how to handle it or what to do about it. I have done a lot of things in my life in my opinion and i don't understand how i have done them and not be able to go do something simple now. It just seem to be compounding and i can't do anything right. I try to work on it, then something comes up and pushes me back down. And it is stupid shit happening right now. Like getting shot in the eye by a kid with a nerf gun and a tooth that hurt so i get it fixed and it hurts more now than before. Stupid stuff like that is setting me back right now and it pisses me off. I read some of the stories on here and feel bad that i am complaining at all. So sorry if i offend anyone with my problems if they seem small to others. I am just trying to find something to help.....


Well-known member
I have crohn's disease (type of IBD).
More and more studies are finding taht these disorders (anxiety and bowel disorders) coexist together.