I was in my psych class when..


We started talking about human emotions. It got me thinking a lot about how my fear of meeting new people and trying new things has affected my life. So my question to everyone is.. If you could eliminate every human emotion such as fear, happiness, love, anger, guilt, regret and so on, would you?

If I had the option I definitely would. It may sound bad, but I actually wouldn't mind living life blandly.


not actually Fiona Apple
We started talking about human emotions. It got me thinking a lot about how my fear of meeting new people and trying new things has affected my life. So my question to everyone is.. If you could eliminate every human emotion such as fear, happiness, love, anger, guilt, regret and so on, would you?

If I had the option I definitely would. It may sound bad, but I actually wouldn't mind living life blandly.

No way. Although I may not be happy most of the time, I wouldn't have a reason to live if I didn't think tomorrow could be, should be, would be better than today. And why make the happy people suffer?:confused:


Well-known member
Yeah I think I'll go with No on this one... I've been there before, its called the combination of Depakote and Seraquel... I don't like being a robot.


No way. Although I may not be happy most of the time, I wouldn't have a reason to live if I didn't think tomorrow could be, should be, would be better than today. And why make the happy people suffer?:confused:

I guess thats true, but if you didn't have those feelings of hope thinking tomorrow was going to be better than you would never be let down either. I'm a little confused on how this idea would make happy people suffer? Obviously not everyone would want to choose this.


Well-known member
Nope. Sadness creates happiness. Happiness creates sadness. Because you can't see one without the other to compare it to...Like you wouldn't know how dark black is if white had never existed...


not actually Fiona Apple
I guess thats true, but if you didn't have those feelings of hope thinking tomorrow was going to be better than you would never be let down either. I'm a little confused on how this idea would make happy people suffer? Obviously not everyone would want to choose this.

Oh I thought you meant no emotion for anyone. My bad.
And I would take my chances with being let down to possibly be, dare I say, happy.:eek: If you know the saddest sad then you also know the potential for the highest high.


Well-known member
Nope. Sadness creates happiness. Happiness creates sadness. Because you can't see one without the other to compare it to...Like you wouldn't know how dark black is if white had never existed...

That is so true...I call my feeling right now miserable because I compare it to the way I felt last year or 3 years ago, for example.There's no darkness, there's the absence of light.There is no coldness, there is the absence of warmness.


Well-known member
buddhists are neither sad nor happy, correct?
Sadness is the result of not getting what you desire and happiness is the result of getting what you desire. And I think they're striving for a complete lack of desire in their lives.


Well-known member
well it makes sense. Lack of desire (or zero desire for better visualization) is smack in the middle of those two opposites: getting what you want and not getting what you want. Basically you have no wants. Lack of wants. Desire = wants.

We're both right. lol


So basically they WANT to have no wants? I think they FAIL before they start!:D I jest.

To me having no feelings or anything sounds like a partial definition of a sociopath? Anyway yeah I would not want to have no feelings, I'd rather feel bad then feel nothing.


Well-known member
Off topic response

I was in my psych class one day and we were talking about social anxiety (coincidentally the topic we were on when I began to stop going to school.) We took a social anxiety test and then the teacher yelled out "Raise your hand if you have a really high score!" not sarcastically. Dur, I didn't raise my hand, what the hell kind of approach is that?


Well-known member
Off topic response

I was in my psych class one day and we were talking about social anxiety (coincidentally the topic we were on when I began to stop going to school.) We took a social anxiety test and then the teacher yelled out "Raise your hand if you have a really high score!" not sarcastically. Dur, I didn't raise my hand, what the hell kind of approach is that?

Hahaha! I can't help but laugh at that! How absurd!

"Yes, please raise your hand so we can all turn and stare at you, all at the same time!"


Well-known member
No bland life for me. Living through the pain and darkness is worth it when you get to experience the great highs and joys of life.

The great acheivements I have made in the last couple of years would be nothing with the challenges I've had to confront to get there.