I want girls in my life


Active member
I have the impression they always dislike me,and if think I've made a good impression it pops in my head 'she won't like me anyway - she'll just think "how come he doesn't any other girlfriends(female friends)? He must be strange and If I hang out with him my friends will notice"'. Don't worry, I won't get a car too soon!


Well-known member
Forget all these mystifications. (Like "You need to be good-looking, wealthy, have a car, be outgoing etc. etc. etc. to be loved.") Concetrate on real people. Why do you think about YOURSELF, how YOU are and how the girl doesn't like you instead of thinking about the particular GIRL (or guy), how SHE (he) is and how do you like (or dislike) her (him)?

I guess all of us SAers tend to be a little egoistic. We tend to concantrate on ourselves instead of other people. Which is too bad because doesn't allow us to have relationships. WHICH is too bad because we are great folks with lots of empathy, large emotional and intellectual capacity and sweet peculiarities and, believe me, every one of you (of us) is just beautiful and it's such a shame that we have trouble sharing ourselves with the world. So, what do I mean... don't worry. Communicate. You want to have girls in your life. Why don't you rather want to have in, say, Linda (who is funny, likes jogging and her gran lives in Connecticut), Carolynn (who's dying her hair, has two dogs and her biggest dream is to visit Japan), Mary (a teacher, who want's to have three children one day and likes strawberry icecream) or Catherine (who has SA as well, loves old folges of Beverly Hills and can cook great spaghetti). You know what I mean? Stop building myths about "girls". Concentrate on real people. That's all, really.



Well-known member
IBM said:
i'm 27 and never had girlfriends. Its sucks and consumes all my life...

Consumes all your life? There's not much to say about myself, but my friend has a boyfriend who she has a complicated (believe me, there are no uncomplicated ones), complicated relationship with. He hurts her and she hurts him and on again. And THAT sucks, THAT consumes all their lives. It's not the absence of a partner that consumes your life, it's your unability or unwillingness to accept it or deal with it.

(I am 17 and never had a boyfriend. It doesn't suck. I don't feel prepared to have my life consumed by a close relationship.)


Well-known member
Yeah, a bad relationship can be worse than no relationship. A relationship that consumes 99% of your thinking, and its all bad thoughts, can never be helpful.


Active member
IBM, I too believe like Tryin that serious relationships are not IT, having never had one myself(having never had any kind of relationshipat at all). Nevertheless, making out or having sex now and then would be nice.


Well-known member
What bothers me is not the lack of sex in my life. I could take pills to not have sexual urges. The lack of being with someone that i'm in love with bothers me.


Well-known member
IBM said:
What bothers me is not the lack of sex in my life. I could take pills to not have sexual urges. The lack of being with someone that i'm in love with bothers me.

Wow, ARE there such pills? Probably some hormones or something, am I right?

But that's right, in the end sex is not what mattters. It's looove, intimacy, sharing that many of us miss so much.


Active member
hey just wanna say im a 19 year old girl, and to be honest its really not about what you wear, what car you drive serious, my bf drives a van resembling post man pats wheels lmao! arg he loves it! lol.

to be honest most girls (part from the ones who yeh are init to look cool sitting in a nice car but you dont want a girl with no personality anyways lol) are just looking for a bloke whos his own person, especaialy when ur getin out of ur teen year, ya kno hes into his own thing, actuauly cares what your into as well, and makes the effort! nuffin worse for a girl than her having to arrange the dates and that, big turn off!

Your probs best just staying how you are, maybe gettin abit of confidence, coz thats more of a turn on for girls than looks serious, and like the others said just see whats about. these things have a funny way of just randomly happening.


Active member
hey, hot girl(funny hun??), I understand the position girls find themselves trying to arrange dates with some guy they like, that of finding it a turn off and all; though I'm a man who knows nothing of women, I understand it and I'm ashamed of myself for not trying harder.


Well-known member
Tryin said:
IBM said:
What bothers me is not the lack of sex in my life. I could take pills to not have sexual urges. The lack of being with someone that i'm in love with bothers me.

Wow, ARE there such pills? Probably some hormones or something, am I right?

Propecia can kill your drive and so can most ssri's.


Active member
haha hot girl? funny hun? yeh its sorta a joke with me and my mate, we act like blokes sometimes and sorta a joke like this is why were hot lol im not in love with myself dont worry lol.

Ay dont be ashamed of yourself, u be suprised the amount of blokes who are shy when it comes to girls, practise and exp will change that hun, same for us girls with blokes.

How many girls have had to learn the hard way not to chase men? *raised hand* lol


Well-known member
Tryin said:
IBM said:
What bothers me is not the lack of sex in my life. I could take pills to not have sexual urges. The lack of being with someone that i'm in love with bothers me.

Wow, ARE there such pills? Probably some hormones or something, am I right?

But that's right, in the end sex is not what mattters. It's looove, intimacy, sharing that many of us miss so much.

Anti-androgenetic pills.


New member
Life is not hard, you make it hard, nothing would happen to you if you get reject, or you heard that somebody got a broken bone just for talking to a women???, you have to never thing, just do it , over and over until you get rejected 100 times. Never care about what people say.
Of course you don`t need a car, or fancy clothes, of course this could help but if your good with women’s already, if you have a Lamborghini life would be much easier, but there many rich man, than don`t have a successful dating life. So what do you need??
1. Confidence
2. To be funny
3. To make her feel comfortable around you
And many other things
How do you get all these??
By practicing your social skills, and there are many books about this than can help you, i have some links in my webpage.


Well-known member
For everybody that said clothes, money, looks, etc: no. You don't need these things. Unless you have a terrible personality and have to cover for it. Think about the kind of girl you want to attract. If you specifically get the hottest car you can find, or clothes that your budget can barely afford, guess what type of girl you're going to attract? Probably one that likes you for your car. Or your look. Or your money.

That's not to say you should quit shaving or bathing. All I'm saying is this: don't hop to an extreme in order to attract somebody. Don't forfeit your identity. Just open up. Be yourself. Say 'hi' to every girl you see starting right now. You need a spark in order to start a fire.


I say, Just be yourself, theres no point changing yourself, buying things you think will attract females.... cause like the last person just said.. do you really want someone that wants you for your car?.. No. you want someone that wants you!. So just wear what you feel comfortable in.. something that reflects your personality and who you are.... theres nothing less attractive then a guy (or female for that matter) trying to be someone there not, just be confident in yourself, not overly confident to the point where you think your the hottest thing around.. and yeah every chance you get practice talking to girls.. it'll get easier.... just talk to them as you would talk to anyone else.. my social skills suck also! but.. i learnt that was from me being so negative and thinking that everything i said was stupid and they'd think that too!. i now really dont care cause if they don't like what im talkin about then i really don't wanna talk to them anyways...


New member
Having a car, a job, good hygiene/grooming etc. are not essential, but these things say something about you. Women are responding to the fact that you are independent (you can get around easily on your own, have a source of income) and responsible (you have a job, take care of yourself). They say that you are capable of supporting yourself and others. They are a first indication of your character and life, but only a superficial person would base a relationship on these things alone.

And remember that every woman is different. Different people want different things out of a relationship. Women are not objects that you win. I think it's important to be yourself, and to communicate with others. You don't have to do all the work either. Women want men just as much as men want women. Just open yourself up, and try to place yourself in social positions as much as possible.


LOOKSand SIZE doesn't matter at all!!! trust me i've been there when i've been ashamed of my shape (too tall and thin) and i had acne wich damaged my self-esteem :oops: .

i suggest you go to www.becomeplayer.com and check the video section for "Juggler's Seduction School" you will understand that being successful with girls is a set of skills you learn and has no relation with having a car or being rich.....(materials)
good luck!!! :wink: