I think my paranoia has led me to no mates? :/


Well-known member
I think that I make up a lot of stuff in my head :/ things like people are looking at me, they are laughing at me, I am boring and et cetera
I have never really told anyone bout my SA but its pretty obvious I have it but most people don't know what it is so I am just considered a freak since I don't talk to anyone and when they do talk to me I make a complete fool of myself :'(
But lately I have been trying to get more out there because I am sick of having no one so yeah I have been talking to this guy and I asked him to go watch spiderman with me next week :p (its a big deal for me since its way outta my comfort zone) when I asked him he said yeah that would be great and I had to say 'I promise I won't be too quite or boring' and he generally seemed suprised, he was like em 'why would you say that, you think I think ur boring' and yeah.

This made me realise that maybe all this stuff is all in my head, like I am making most of it up and hence, I push people away and end up always by myself but actually some of these people like me and actually shockingly want to get to know me :/

Hmmm..this is not really a question ohwell just wanted to share that lol :p see I could use some mates to tell stuff too XD


Well-known member
Asking this guy to the movies is a big deal so just accept that he wants to talk to you and spend time with you and I'm sure you'll be more than okay.

I do the same thing, though: I will criticise myself in the vain attempt to "warn" someone that I'm boring/uninteresting, or whatever. I think, deep down, I'm looking for pity, too, which isn't good.

Enjoy Spiderman. :)

Dark angel

Well-known member
First of all, i'm proud of you for putting yourself out there and mostly ASKING THIS GUY OUT! I would never do that, I don't have the courage so that was a very brave thing from you to do!! And yeah, we mostly have preconceptions about ourselves that are completely and entirely wrong but is something that comes along with SA and we have to fight against it with positive thoughts.With this date, you have the opportunity to prove yourself that you are valuable so you can put to sleep all those negative thoughts.