I need to know how to calm down and stop hating the people in this world!


Well-known member
:) Unfortunately I'm addicted to the news - a huge part of the problem! I was just saying today that perhaps all I need is a break for a while.

Yeah, I can relate to that, having close to none "outside" experience, I also don't wanna miss any news on TV, the internet, ...

It's rather frustrating of seeing all these different aspects, real poverty all around the world, and in my country, Belgium, they keep on bullying on extremely stupid things, that I may feel like laughing and crying at the same time, and sometimes have the feeling how really moving to a much more "poor" country, in the first place because I feel ashamed of being part of a "rich" country and being forced to live by its standards and its ideas of always having to be "perfect", how schoziphrenic that really is, and perhaps it may be a relieve to feel more part of nature and being relieved by all kinds of stress I really think too much doesn't do us good, technology, millions of kinds of radiation, fear of being judged and tracked the few times I leave home, because there are camera's and kind of this crap on pretty much every corner of the street, and at the same time realize that my computer is currently my only method of having some kind of contact with others.:cool:


Well-known member
Lost girl, I think it's REALLY great you are doing all this!! :)

My SA and anxiety have often prevented me from doing more too.. /sigh/
And then I'd feel guilty and angry at myself for not doing more..

Maybe you could find a local group, it's always easier to do these things as a group, together? (Or is the palm oil group local? Maybe you guys could have like a 'stall' at market-type events or such? Where people could sign up to a mailing list or something?) You're so lucky to have a palm oil group locally!!

Unfortunately in our little town I am the 'catalyst' sort of (except for the school and the church/scouts), and I wish someone more reliable and trustworthy could be found for this.. and more people who'd also be part of planning/implementation phase..
I also often get indecisive over things, and would really appreciate discussing these things with other people.. Sometimes it seems possible, sometimes not..

I think it's actually better to connect with people and hand out leaflets and information at events where they may actually read them.. Can you connect with a local school or other charity organisation/s? (We did some things together :)) Can you do a presentation at your kids' school? Or local bookstore/cafe? Maybe in connection with some local artists/writers/musicians? The trick is to make it easy enough to do it and make 'small steps' small enough as not to overwhelm.. Hey, maybe we could do something like that here too? hmm..!
You're brave to pin up a poster in your local shopping center! :)

My family and I make monthly donations to UNHCR, and I try to be involved with a palm oil awareness group, I am passionate about it and inform everyone I know about the facts and rant and rave on fb constantly about it, but tbh my SA inhibits me from being as active as I would like to be in the community with it, and this does stress me out too. I've managed to pin one poster up about it at my local shopping center and that's it. I have a load of stickers and posters here to bombard the streets with but have not yet had the courage to do it. When I am being more active in these things, it definitely does help - as long as I am getting positive responses. When all I get is nonchalance that's when I start to see people so negatively again.

The news is definitely a problem, but I so hate to be uninformed of what's going on. I watched the news this morning and hated everyone on it, and I just found myself getting angrier and angrier, then my hubby started to get angry at the news as well, and this made me smile :). I suppose one of my biggest problems is I feel so many people just don't care, and this bothers me.

Well, some people don't care, some just need to hear about it in a different way or maybe from another source, some close relatives may get sick of hearing it, and others may be 'Wow! I didn't know that!' or 'What can I do?'
It's sometimes a struggle to differentiate between these and know who is what, who I haven't talked to yet about something, or in what way... Sometimes you need to 'spin' the message (like PR people) so that others can hear it.. I sometimes don't know how to spin things either.. While sometimes other people were enthusiastic and helpful too.. so, it depends..

It's an ongoing struggle I guess...
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