I need help, please!


Well-known member
I'm all alone. I don't understand why but my friend doesn't want to be friends with me anymore, I am so afraid, I don't want to be like this anymore. It's not that I have social phobia as much as just a lot of problems. I can talk to people just fine and all but it's more like one on one then in a group. I'm afraid of not being myself and I feel like people are trying lately to push and minipulate me into acting some kind of way that I don't even have a clue about.. I know this might be out there and all but honestly I'm just confused I don't know if I'm Just stupid or just true to myself and thoughts but honestly I'll ask this again is there a certain way society wants you to act or be cause I get the feeling there is and I'm just not feeling it, I just act like me and naturally but because of that people look at me different and nobody wants to associate with me. It kinda reminds me of some form of mind control and its not sticking. Please help me! Explain this to me someone!


Well-known member
This has always been a huge source of stress for myself... Society is filled with norms that you need to adapt to if you want to to be socially accepted. If you're different, you'll just end up rejected and lonely. That's why I pretend to be what I'm not in social situations, because being lonely is so painful sometimes..


Well-known member
Alone isn't all bad. It can give you time to get caught up on sleep, cleaning, relaxing, reading, exercising, breathing, etc. Think of it as a vacation from stress and relax. You and your friends might have outgrown each other(s). Look in the mirror and say " I am what I am ... and it's all good".
Society wants happy, confident, interesting people who like other people...


Well-known member
I can totally relate to you, like people want to control you. I don't know what it is either. By example when people want me to say or do something, and i tell them i don't want it they will still continue to let me do/say that thing. What i often get is that people just laugh at me by only looking at me, in a bullying way. It must have something to do with my appearance and behaviour, or a combination. What helps is to realise that this is not who i really am. There were a few moments when i became so sick of their behaviour that i broke connections. I don't know how to solve it but if you wanna chat let me know:)


Well-known member
yes, there are a number of societal and cultural norms

some are more subtle than others, and they change with geography

where i live it's considered perfectly normal to wear large wedges of cheese on your head in public - however, it's not acceptable to play your tuba in the nude in the privacy of your own backyard at 2 AM (at least that's what the sheriff's deputy told me that my neighbors said)

in larger cities you can behave in ways that go against the norm, and no one pays any attention - in fact, there are probably any number of groups that you can find who will embrace your differences

in small towns it's harder to get away with - people there are often very like-minded and are uncomfortable with anyone who is "different"

if your friends don't accept you as you are, it's not your fault - it's theirs


Well-known member
I can totally relate to you, like people want to control you. I don't know what it is either. By example when people want me to say or do something, and i tell them i don't want it they will still continue to let me do/say that thing. What i often get is that people just laugh at me by only looking at me, in a bullying way. It must have something to do with my appearance and behaviour, or a combination. What helps is to realise that this is not who i really am. There were a few moments when i became so sick of their behaviour that i broke connections. I don't know how to solve it but if you wanna chat let me know:)

Thank you, finally someone who thinks the way I do. I've been having this problem lately where ever the hell I go school, friends, my moms friends.. It ridiculous. Like leave me the hell alone and let me be and think the way I want too..


Well-known member
I can totally relate to you, like people want to control you. I don't know what it is either. By example when people want me to say or do something, and i tell them i don't want it they will still continue to let me do/say that thing. What i often get is that people just laugh at me by only looking at me, in a bullying way. It must have something to do with my appearance and behaviour, or a combination. What helps is to realise that this is not who i really am. There were a few moments when i became so sick of their behaviour that i broke connections. I don't know how to solve it but if you wanna chat let me know:)

It's weird to its like I'm an empty shell when it comes to people trying to shape me to, I don't react, I don't get nervous I just think in my head this is messed and kinda pity the human race cause of it. People might think I'm odd but..