I love TEA!

so I love green tee, and a whole lot of others.. now my plan to decorate my room..
I'm gonna take a big tea cup and put it on a shelf.. and above it I'm gonna hang tea bags, like millions of tea bags, all sorts, and they'll be hanging above the huge tea cup, but never touching it.. so it's like forbidden tea :p
and it's dangerous, cuz if the tea ever fell in it would make the cup overfill.. and there would be a tea ocean in my room!!!:p


Well-known member
I love tea too! Neat craft project you have set up for yourself! My mom and I have this entire stand of just tea, all the flavours imaginable! (Well, probably not, but there's lots). Last night I tried to make legitimate chai tea, but it didn't turn out quite that well. :p
david: :( i am disappointed in u not seeing the relevance of tea...
lunarla: wow chai tea, i've just started the business of tea, so I'm not as practiced as u, but soon, u shall teach me :)


Well-known member
Hahah, chained, you're kooky and I like it! :p I can see you becoming a great Teamaster.


Well-known member
All i drink is tea and koolaid and i drink alot of caffine . Coffee, Sun Drop , 5 hour energy, pepsi max. That's about it and i like to mix it with klonopin and weed . Just weed on the weekends lately but yeah it's whatever.
chained whats the strangest tea you have?

Don;t call my children strange! :p
well I've just gotten started like a month ago with the tea business.. so ask me in a couple of months..anybody recommend some good, rare tea? I
ll go to India if necessary (teas from india originally) :p i think..
I am the tea bag in the black tea
someone is holding me in the sky
but I'm heavier than the thread they hold me by..

Why can't people drink tea by the sea
so that when the reckless people throw away the tea
I would go into the sea
return reborn and free
with my Indian family.
At this moment, I'm really loving Merlot....What a pity that I am almost out.... I've begun drinking the grade A green tea recently. You know, not the bagged tea, but the loose leaves. It gives me this intense sense of calm that I would normally not experience drinking the 'Lipton' green tea. I would love to try some Jasmine tea! I've been told that it is delicious.

wow, I got to try that! :) *taking notes*


Well-known member
I drink


to the point that I am probably made of it now.