I just wanted to be friends with her


Well-known member
So about a year ago I met a girl at my uni. She inmediatly caught my eye for reasons that are rather odd and long to explain.

In any case and due to some random coincidence she turned out to be everything I had been looking for in a friend all my life. The first true person to fit that mold.

She is quite an introvert but a sucessful and well adapted one. People mostly like her since she's rather smart, atractive and kind. But she didn't really have many friends and has rather geeky and niche interests.

The thing is... that's exactly the kind if person that I've always wanted to be, a better version of myself. Someone that doesn't try to be someone else to please others but that still manages to be well adjusted.

I feel that I have a lot of unique things to offer in a friendship and in exchange I want to be close to someone like that, on one side because I really need to feel some aproval from someone I admire, I long for it. But also because I feel that there's a lot that I could learn from someone like that.

I honestly tried my best to become friends with her (I really didn't want anything else, I'm not ready for any sort of romantic relationship) over the course of 8-9 months. But it's really hard to get close to an introvert and people like us aren't exactly amazing at impressing others. Still I tried until I learned that she would be moving abroad next semester. Great luck, uh?

I don't really regret trying to get close to her, despite how... silly and somewhat embarassing some of my attempts to do so were. For the first time in a long time I saw a chance, however slim it was, of a little joy and validation in life and I'm glad I tried.

I know that we should all live for ourselves and not for others. And that's the truth, but we're also social animals. We need to form a bond with someone in life. Everything is too hard and tiresome if we don't.

Who knows?, maybe today will be the day that one of us will find that person. Or maybe tomorrow, I think the key is just to keep trying.

After all as long as there is life, there is hope.


Well-known member
Typical, right. You meet a new friend and then they have to leave like that. Would be hard to deal with.

Be happy that you showed interest and that you tried your best to form a friendship. You will always look back and feel gratitude about it, e.g. in your mind "that was the year that I met someone nice and made the most out of my efforts". So having some gratitude.

She would be crazy if she went away without thinking about your efforts and friendship.
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Sorry to hear about this… but if it helps, I've read your posts and you're a pretty bright guy. I'm sure you'll find someone who will find you fascinating one day.

If I were you though, I wouldn't be seeking out friendship in these kinds of situations… I mean, if she was special enough to make a post about here then you probably like her as something more than just a friend, and sometimes being too cautious or taking your time with these kinds of things can result in things going cold.

I know it's hard to be confident with the SA and all, but I would definitely be approaching it as a potential relationship from day one… if it doesn't work out then it doesn't work out but being stuck in a friendship with someone you could have been in a relationship with if you'd approached things differently can be agonizing, especially when they find someone else.

Or maybe I've got this all wrong.