I Have Been Invited To Host A Stall At An Event...


Well-known member
Hey, it's been rather a long time since I logged in, but I have something coming up that I'm quite nervous about.

I've been invited to host a stall at a comic book event next month for my little side venture, Beckeyrings ( www.facebook.com/Beckeyrings ). This is the first time I've ever done anything like this, I'll be on my own for about 7 hours as people come and go and I have to try to engage with them and make sales... Any tips on how to do this? My SA hasn't been as bad of late, but this task focuses purely on my ability to talk to people and I'm feeling the pressure. Any advice would be very much appreciated! Xx


Well-known member
I have done a few stalls, so here are a few comments, and ask if you want to know anything more.

Sales are never as good as you want them to be.

Most people will ignore you completely.

At times you will feel swamped.

Don't be too scared to go to the toilet, ask the next door stall to keep an eye on your stuff.

Most people are honest. Do not worry about pilfering, but keep your money out of sight.

7 hours is a long time. Flat comfortable shoes, and a chair to sit in when needed. Take something to eat and drink. Dry, unobtrusive food is best, do not try to eat a hamburger.

Something like wet wipes to clean merchandise. The customers would have eaten hamburgers. A lot of greasy fingerprints is yucky.

Pay attention to body language, if the person's whole body is turned towards you, it means he is interested. If someone is standing with his side towards you he probably is not.

Do not interrupt customer's conversations with friends.

If someone compliments your things, just smile and say thank you. Do not expect them to buy.

I've had a look at the facebook page, your keyrings look great.

I hope you do very well.


Well-known member
Just relax and maybe listen to some music. Music can actually have some amazing effects on your mental health and anxiety.


Well-known member
That's some great practical advice there Hoppy, wet wipes is a really good idea, I hadn't thought of that. I think i'll be a bit too nervous to eat myself, but i'll maybe take something light. Thank you so much!! ^_^

Good idea Jimmy, I love listening to music so I will make time to have a listen and calm down before I start, and maybe through the day if I can, thanks!!


You want to know how I got these scars?
Personally I am not too bad when its a 'structured' setting, such as work. It gives me a reason to talk about certain things. When its unstructured, Im not so great lol.
But yea, I would accept most people will ignore you, which is fine. Dont take people being j e r ks personally either. A lot of people are just that -j e r ks.
But also remember, there are a lot of good people out there - like most of us on this site :)
Try to look at it in a positive way - its a great setting to maybe make a new friend or two.
Good luck!