I hate myself.


Well-known member
I don't know why it's hard for me to talk to a group of people I know or don't know. I think part of it has to do with my dyspraxia because I know some symptoms are that dyspraxics have trouble socializing, even in groups of(usually) extroverted people. I just feel like I'm such a failure and a loser that I'll never have friends and I can't overcome this stupid problem. I feel like I want to talk, but there's always something holding me back from saying it. I don't know why. I think it's because I get so shy/tensed and scared of what people think of me(even when I try to put an effort into talking and pretending like this is the only person I'm talking too and pretending to imagine everybody invisible, it still doesn't work because I'm labeled as quiet no matter how sometimes I try to put an effort.) I feel like it's my own dumb fault and it makes me so sad that I get rejected every time. ::(:I even feel like crying when I'm writing this. I'm such a pathetic loser.
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Well-known member
i also feel like a pathetic loser too right now, and i dont know what to say except its ok to feel that way and hope you feel better. forgive yourself when you can and just keep trying your best and you can improve even baby steps. goodluck


Well-known member
You're not a loser, and hey you have the guts to talk about it. Even if it is just online sometimes I feel too shy to even talk about stuff online, but at least you try and you think about it, I go through the same things, trying my hardest to talk and still being labeled as quiet. I guess I should say you should take comfort in the fact that you're not alone and other people go through the same things as you. Don't feel like you're a loser you're not its actually perfectly normal to go through these things sometimes. Just know you're not alone in it. I hope you feel better

Roman Legion

Well-known member
I feel more like a failure than a loser.. I don't desire human interaction, dating or anything so it's a bit different for me.. I used to feel like a loser before I stopped caring about people.


Well-known member
I love lions, I appreciate that it is really painful feeling like you don't fit in anywhere. I have noticed in your posts that you have a kind heart and therefore likable. I hope you can learn to accept yourself and come to some sort of peace with your difficulties. And in turn be more comfortable putting yourself amongst people. You're alright and well done for showing your feelings.


Active member
I'm talking too and pretending to imagine everybody invisible, it still doesn't work because I'm labeled as quiet no matter how sometimes I try to put an effort.) I feel like it's my own dumb fault and it makes me so sad that I get rejected every time. ::(:I even feel like crying when I'm writing this. I'm such a pathetic loser.

I was trying to develop somekind of an elitist idea about my shyness and strange social behaviour. As a mathematics enthusiast I was thinking: I am too intelligent to talk with these retards... a lot of shy and strange people like to imagine they are unique or try to live with their problem using imagination.

Maybe it is your dumb fault, because I know that I suffer with this because I feel like a total looser all the time and it is my fault. When I am alone, I am the master... when I am in the street doing anykind of thing I feel like an idiot.

One day I will try to post my photo here... will be total castration of my personality. That's the way the shyness goes... step by step I will try to conquer myself.

But I don't have a lot of hope


Well-known member
I was trying to develop somekind of an elitist idea about my shyness and strange social behaviour. As a mathematics enthusiast I was thinking: I am too intelligent to talk with these retards... a lot of shy and strange people like to imagine they are unique or try to live with their problem using imagination.

Maybe it is your dumb fault, because I know that I suffer with this because I feel like a total looser all the time and it is my fault. When I am alone, I am the master... when I am in the street doing anykind of thing I feel like an idiot.

One day I will try to post my photo here... will be total castration of my personality. That's the way the shyness goes... step by step I will try to conquer myself.

But I don't have a lot of hope

How are you guys at fault for having social anxiety? It's really hard to get out there when you have a fear holding you back. If a self conscious person push themselves to do something out of their comfort zone would it will still have an affect later? Or is it just some people?

That's good, that you guys are taking steps because I do believe that one can improve. I'm not in the best spot myself, but I can see improvements in some areas. I think taking small steps is the best way instead of just jumping into the water right away.

I do think shy people are different if they live in a society that's full of extroverts.


Active member
How are you guys at fault for having social anxiety? It's really hard to get out there when you have a fear holding you back. If a self conscious person push themselves to do something out of their comfort zone would it will still have an affect later? Or is it just some people?

I am not so sure about that but i will try(at least i saw some guys saying that pushing themselves in social situations is working with SA).I was a social person before my 18... after that i started to become more and more strange. I've always felt really bad about my appearance. Now I am feeling the most ugly thing in the universe.

So I think it is my fault in a way...
But what I mean with my last msg: Let's try to get better...

But yes, i am a looser :(
I'm sorry you feel this way ::(: I understand how painful it is. Growing up I remember all I wanted, if I could have had one wish, it would have been to be more outgoing. I just wanted to be like all those other kids.

I wish I had something more helpful to say...


Well-known member
I feel the same way... I want to talk but something like a block prevents me from speaking my mind. I find it hard to talk around certain people without feeling judged. Especially if i know they are very confident in themselves. I sometimes feel inferior. I wish I had the answer for you... please don't call yourself down or anything. I'm sure there's plenty of traits about you that compensate for not being able to talk comfortably around extroverted people.