I hate life


Well-known member
Hope this helps

OK, this is going to be long- but I have a lot of advice and personal experience with this kind of thing, and I think it might help.

I've been in a similar situation- I never got as low as you sound like you are right now, but I have been lonely and felt angry at everyone else and like no one gave a sh*t about me, or ever would.

It all began because I was too much of a perfectionist, I expected too much from other people. I thought that everyone I became friends with had to be just like me, understand me and basically be my soul mate. I've just started to discover that there are very few people like that in the world and I shouldn't expect to just bump into those people on a day-to-day basis.

Once I took that pressure off of myself and my interactions with people, it all became a lot easier. I was able to accept others more easily and not expect the world from them. What followed was that I became more accepting of myself too. I'm learning to rely on myself more for happiness- I don't NEED others to feel fulfilled, although it's nice to have friends, of course, or people you can just hang out with.

It sounds like one reason you feel more comfortable with computers is because they're predictable- you're afraid of the uncertainty that comes with human relationships. So you just gave up on them. I was like that too (without the computer part)- I thought it was better to avoid other people unless I was SURE they would be someone I wanted to know for the rest of my life. But I could never get to that stage with someone because I never gave them a chance in the first place.

Anyway, my point is, go out there and meet people...any way you can. Don't worry what they think of you, or if they never want to see you again, or if you hate them 30 seconds after meeting them. Don't have high expectations of other people- just make human contact in one form or another. That's a start anyway.

My situation only improved when I FORCED myself to do something social that I was afraid of. I applied for a short-term job that would involve meeting a lot of new co-workers, and approaching people in public to market a product. I was sh*t scared, and almost backed out. But I had decided I was sick of shying away from social situations, so I made myself do it. I took it one step at a time--- first the written application, then the job interview (where I met the boss), then the training day (where I met my fellow workers), then finally the actual job. The first time I had to approach strangers on the street to tell them about the product I was terrified. But I had commited myself to the job, so I went through with the spiel. Slowly but surely, with each person I approached, I got more comfortable, until by the end, I hardly cared at all about what they would think of me. Of course there were moments, or days, when I messed up, felt embarrassed etc., but I pushed on.

Anyway, my point with the above story is that you have to take the same approach I did. Assign yourself the task of getting out of your rut. Make smaller goals, like greeting one person a day, then having a small conversation with one person a week, then asking someone out for coffee....etc.... It'll be like me with the job- one step at a time. Tell yourself you can get through this one task, and just do it. Eventually you'll be improving and things will get easier. If you don't think you're personally disciplined enough to make a plan etc, apply or sign up for something like I did- an activity, club, job or something that will MAKE you do social things. Then commit to it- see it through to the end.

The trick, though, is to not let small hurdles or 'failures' stop you. One way to do this is to just stop thinking so much. I traced a lot of my problems to the fact that I overanalyze everything I do and think. I'd have some social faux-pas and it would bother me for days and I'd come to the conclusion that I was a social dud.

That's why you need to break the cycle now. Every time you get on the computer, I bet it crosses your mind that you don't have any human friends and are a 'loser'. Your behavior is reinforcing your beliefs about yourself. You have to make some changes. Like next time you feel lonely, instead of getting on the computer, go to the mall and just BE around other people. That'll be a start.

I have lots more I could say but I;ve already blabbed on for too long. Sorry if the above is not very coherent, but the thoughts were coming fast and I had to get them down. I hope this helps you. Luck isn't going to do it- YOU have to ACTIVELY change your situation. Just start with the smallest of things and keep going. You have as much right as anyone to a fulfilling relationships and a happy life.


Well-known member
Hey crash, end it all. THen you will have nothing to worry about. Unlike these other people here who willt all you not to do it. You can take ther eadvice and maybe get on with your life, why try when you can end it all. Your soooo set on dieing then take action. Stop talking about it and end it all. doesnt matter how, but 1 gun and 1 bullet is al you need. Leave a note for your parents telling them you lvoed then and what not, make a will out. Then just end it all. Sounds cold but it is up to you. Wether you take yoru own life or not is up to you. If you are prepared to kill yourslef then be sure to tell everyone good bye and that you will see them soon. Tell everyone that you loved that you loved them and tell the people you have hurt your sorry. Make sure if you have pets to get them a new owner. Since your life will be ending, try to make as easy as you can for your family memebers adn anyone else you know.

Heres a quick quote that may make you rethink. THink about what hes saying

" A place to spend my quiet nights,time to unwind so much pressure in this life of mine, at quiet
times I once conciplated suicide and when I tried when I held that nine, all I could see was my
mama's eyes, no one knows my struggle they only see the trouble not knowin' its hard to carry on
when no one loves you "


Well-known member


Dude you have exactly outlined what I feel like. Hmm, I wish I could find a way to a normal life also. I've tried most medication and let me tell you they are hopeless, like the situation i'm in right now. I don't know what to say but continue to live a horrible isolated life. I too live alone, i have no girlfriend and if i try to talk to one she breaks camp. I've never been like this before the year 2000. It's like an epidemic man, because more people are getting canned with this illness. It is an illness and a real nasty one, this is where you feel like your all bottled up and your looking at the world from the inside of the bottle. I wish I had an answer man. If your a geek which you say you are...if you really look at it..it aint so bad that your a geek, but it is bad that your a geek with this illness. I'd rather be an all out geek without this illness than a geek with one.


New member
u now what u should do get over it and go an find a girlfriend
but other than that stop being a dope
cause really even though i have had rough times i still get over them
everyone has got to suffer at some point [/b]


Well-known member
jthompson and amber that was terrible advice for someone who is clearly having a bad time and sounds like he's just in a rut that maybe a temporary thing, god! advising someone to go with their instincts and just end it all, you think thats going to help? Using reverse psychology normally doesn;t work and can sometimes tip a person over the edge, how do you know he hasn't tried and keeps getting rejected, that can be a feeling of complete emptiness and I have felt that before.
Amber calling someone a dope wont help, keep that to yourself if thats what you believe. You hvae a different life and have not been walking in this guys shoes so its easy for you to judge.

Good luck crashmodem and I agree that you need to change your outlook even if things seem hopeless, change your environment, go for walks, put yourself out there even if its painful, pain can be a healthy thing and so can rejection, the more we experiance rejection the easier it is to deal with. Its harder for some people than it is for others, but try and change your environment and daily routine.

Try and focus on some positive goals for yourself rather than focussing on the negative aspects of your social problem


Well-known member
this is so valuable thread, some of the posts are so great here, like aleksandra's and lionesse's and others.


crashmodem said:
I hate everything about life.

i just want to die, i want to crawl under a rock and die.
here are the reasons

because all teh rejection that i get, everytime that i see a woman that i am attracted to, i can't approach her, because i know she would laugh at me, or she would say that she has a boyfriend.

Maybe I can't really give u a valuable piece of advice for all of your problems but I do have to say this:

Never take a woman's first responce as if it was written in stone cause it's NOT. & Btw, I'm a woman & ok, maybe I don't agree with women in cases that involve men, but I do know their usual reactions - used to hang out with girls- but I do know something else too: If you actually try this, u express something different than u usually do & u'll see that women won't reject u that easilly. You might as well get a second chance to get to know them, approach them & never think that they'll reject you, because that's what's going to happen (in some cases we are responsible for the reactions of other ppl we receive). & Yes, if she laughs at you never feel embarassed, it is better to remember that there's nothing funny about u, that u, just like every other human being, want to interact (whatever that means) with other ppl & that this is totally normal. Sometimes (Not always) women say they have a boyfriend or embarass u when u try to approach them because they feel threatened in some ways... (I know, it's weird but it happens).

If u meet someone (& I hope u do :) ) u'll feel much much better & start improving yourself in general. (I think it could be a good way to start.)

[Note: I'm just expressing MY opinion, I don't mean to offend anyone, I'm just trying to explain how I think that things work sometimes between men & women]


Well-known member
Crashmodem, you think nothing is positive in your life? Then you must be a vegetable. But clearly you're not. At the very least, you have the luxury of a computer, it doesn't give you pain does it? Are you disabled in anyway? Do you have a life-threatening disease? Do you fear for your life? Even thought you are in a rut now, you have potential to DO things, whatever that is. If you chose death, it would be forever and you will never come back to earth to experience the things you do now, to be, to exist. It would be an empty void.

I sit here in my seat in front of the computer, and i have access to a world of information and entertainment with the push of a button, and i feel comfort - the little pleasures i will never ever feel again if i chose death. Believe me i have been in your position, many times, even the day before yesterday, my 21st birthday, but i pushed on. I went to eat with some strangers today, and i felt extremely uncomfortable and awkward, and uttered uncountable foot in your mouth comments. I got plenty weird looks and sometimes they just wanna laugh at the rediculousness of what i said. Normally i would have felt such shame and despair i would cry myself to sleep, with a frustration that could turn your hair white overnight. But i don't feel anything.

By choosing death over life, imagine that, you cannot think, feel, touch, do anything. You are over. But i'd rather feel the pain i have felt than die and be done. By choosing life, you hold in your hand choices, little actions, anything that unables you to experience the little pleasures that make you superior to a fish or a rock. Treasure that. You have the choice to shut out the negative in your head. I have done that just today. I know, its not easy, and you will have bad days but good days as well. It is anything that makes you tick - be it surfing the net, eating good food, breathing fresh air, listening to music that makes your blood pump - that makes life worth living.

Don't give up.