I get 'hit on' fairly often but...


deleted #89

Same here....In the moment I don't know how to act but afterwards I regret that I didn't react. The thing that you/me/etc have to learn is how to accept compliments and truly believe that you are worth it....

deleted #89

I know what it is. Remember that ur not getting evaluated or judge. Back then I use to think that I needed to be super interesting with good stories/jokes....but in the end people r just bored and just want to talk about random stuff. Its really a matter of taking risks ...


Well-known member
well, if I may suggest something;
It's okay to not react in a big way-- to be more cool and calm about it (create a mystique) because some girls like it that way, anyways.
Kind of like playing hard to get.
If you can't manage words, you could always use bodylanguage.
If you're too nervous to really move, just try your best to act stoic or aloof rather than petrified.
Eventually, you would need to talk with them normally and perhaps give out your email or phone number - and after THAT, you will need to actively do your best to speak to her... but flirting isn't really an issue if you're the one being flirted with (not 100% of the time, anyway...)-- Think of it as meeting them half way already.
They've done the initial work; you just talk casually and if you like them, ask them if they'd like to hang out?

If you have a sister or a female friend, you should practice what you'll do- I'm sure they can help you, even.
But seriously... getting hit on is a good thing- means you don't have to hit on them to get their attention because you've already got it.

razzle dazzle rose

Well-known member
It is great you are getting hit on, it means these girls really wanna talk to you! Remember, you don't have to do most of the talking. Girls are usually chattier than guys, so if you allow her to do most of the talking, while listening and asking questions, she will think you a good conversationalist. Well, at least that is what the books I read have said. Compliment her hair or something interesting she is wearing (but please don't compliment her body. We really don't like that :) ) If you are interested in her, give her your number-that always comes off as less threatening-and she could give you her number or she can just call you.

Maybe it could also help if you do the approaching sometimes. That way you won't be caught off guard and you will have thought out a couple things to say beforehand. Don't be too hard on yourself. All this takes lots of practice. Keep challenging yourself. Good luck!