i dont think i have low self esteem...


Well-known member
the definition of self esteem is your opinion of yourself and your self-image. low self esteem is when you look down on yourself and don't think you're good enough.

i used to have low self esteem and hate myself and my looks, but now i've come to terms with myself and accept myself for who i am. i don't need to change my looks and im a good and smart person, but not full of myself either... i'd say i have average self esteem. i am accepting of who i am but don't think im better or worse than other people.

the problem is, instead of looking down on myself, i feel like others look down on me. like if im talking to a friend i'll think they're just talking to me to be nice but not that they are really interested in talking to me. i'll think that others think im boring or dumb because i don't really talk. and i'll feel that when someone talks to me and i cant speak back they'll think that im rude. or if someone asks me to call them or hang out i think that they just feel sorry for me and try to be nice without the intention of actually being a long-term friend because they think it's a waste of their time when i dont talk.

and i never know the truth, they COULD be thinking those things. i've had people tell me straight up things like "you're an idiot", "you never talk", "you don't do anything" or pushing me to say something: "speak up", "can you talk?", "say something!" or give an uninterested look when they speak to me. imagine how many things people have thought about me that they DIDN'T tell me!

i don't feel that all people are like that, but most of them. and i cant tell if people are just trying to be nice or are genuine.

does this mean i have low self esteem? having a good self-image but thinking that others have a bad image of me? it's not me it's them, so it cant be SELF esteem. i dont know. im confused!


Well-known member
I understand what you mean, you value yourself yet you imagine that others don't so how can it be low self esteem right? I too am confused:confused:

I have very low self esteem but i can get moments when i feel good about myself especially after a good workout or when i've done something well, yet i still imagine that people think little of me.

I think it's low confidence rather than low self esteem...I really don't know.


Well-known member
You don't have low self-esteem. It's impossible to be liked by everyone when you have SA. I have a fair amount of people that don't like me.

It sounds like you are worried about what others think of you. I know it may be hard but it's best to not care so much about what others think of you and just be yourself.

Haters will hate, haters are everywhere. They don't know you and if they don't want to get to know you then don't waste your time with them as the constant haters are shallow and ignorant.

Cherish the good people and enjoy your time with the good people. Those are the people that will actually boost your self-esteem, instead of try to take it away.