I don't love myself.


I don't love myself, Honestly I dislike myself.
I have so much a low self esteem, and I kind of destroy my life because of this.
When I look in the mirror I see someone who doesn't deserve anything.
And when I think back of situations, I feel like an idiot.
I am not the person that I wanna be.
I know how u feel, the only thing that keeps me going is that I think nI have potential and that that should show some day... but I'm loosing the faith...
bur believe me if scuumbags can enjoy life and themselves, wy couldnt u..
U ar e beautiful, a great singer, I bet there area lot of other things.. Its just an adolescent crisis :)


Well-known member
well you do have a lot going for you lol , you can sing and look confident on the camara ... all i can say is hope you feel better about yourself soon ...... hang in there and keep going lol


Sometimes I think people with ADHD have life at its best. They wouldn't be sitting around thinking of themselves like this... What ****ed world we live in.


Active member
one of you, how do you want to
put up, such as one of the fine, multiethnic,musician himself, I wonder why person is disliked

Lorraine Manca

Well-known member
hey saskia, i know what you mean. im the same. its really paralyzing at best and destructive at worst. for me, the more you dislike yourself the worse you actually become, more emotional and sensitive. its really terrifying, a true self fulfilling prophecy.
at one time i put in a huge effort to be a good person, do good things, and try to be someone i liked. even after that, i still felt like i was the same person that i didnt like. i dont like my personality and a person cant change that. and i cant trick myself into liking it either through that positive thinking crap. so i dont know the answer. i do think its really important to at least try not to think about it so it doesnt get worse. im sorry my post is so long, but i relate to your thread, its a very real and frustrating problem


Well-known member
I don't know you Saskia, but i've seen your posts on here and you are a lovely girl, you seem so caring and kind. I don't want you to dislike yourself because i know that there are so many people out there that like you. How can they not when you are so lovely.


Active member
I can relate to what you said Saskia. When I was a kid in school I kept up with the other kids until about forth or fifth grade then I fell behind and never caught up. My father used to tell me "you can do it, your just lazy" and those words still hurt to this very day.

After school I went into the family business and with my parents helping me I did good financially. But I have no sense of accomplishment of my own. I sometimes feel like I'm some sort of fraud.

The one thing I am happy about is that I never hurt anyone on purpose. I try to be polite and kind to everyone. Even people who are mean to me. I even try to "Not wish bad things on them" but its hard and I'm dealing with it.

Silvox Black

Well-known member
Sometimes I think people with ADHD have life at its best. They wouldn't be sitting around thinking of themselves like this... What ****ed world we live in.

The compassion in your voice is simply flowing like rain. In all honesty though I must ask, if you consider having empathy to be such a horrible thing, then why must you make things worse for others? They will, in time, come to realize their problems are not the only ones, but that does not mean they do it on purpose. No one is supposed to disregard their own problems entirely and simply say, "Well others have it worse off than me so I shouldn't feel bad."

My apologies for this comment, but my mind fired off in the moment and I had to have this typed before I forgot. If I incur any anger from this comment, I apologize.


Active member
those same exact thoughts go through my mind every single day :( through my CBT im trying to deconstruct and then replace those thoughts but its sooooo hard because they've become ingrained deep into my mind after thousands of repetitions.


Well-known member
it's all in your mind !

you have a false image of youself !

the truth is that you are beautiful and talented !

i get that feeling too sometimes and it's so destructive


Well-known member
saskia - have you tried CBT with a qualified therapist yet? you are in the midst of depression brought on by SA. your thinking is distorted so try and see these thoughts for the negative dillusion that they are. you must have some core sense that you don't deserve to think this way. maybe you are a perfectionist in some things but try and accept the irony that you probably are perfect in many things but that phobia and doubt are your only major flaw. maybe you would be intolerable if you didn't doubt yourself but try and seek some balance. "when I look in the mirror I see a girl who deserves a small slice of joy and sorrow in this life - no more, no less than the average."