I didn't do anything for a month


Well-known member
Winter break started December 14th. I didn't do anything and now school (university) starts Monday. I didn't work. I didn't see family (mine sucks) or see anyone on the holidays. I didn't pick up a new hobby like I was supposed to. I really just surfed the web for a month. I started watching Downton Abbey and rewatching old episodes of shows I like online. But that's about it. I can't even say the month flew by; it's been a long, boring month. I can't believe I did this:kickingmyself:
Now you know that you need to cut down on the internet. You should really learn to manage your time better. It is critical for just about everything in your life. Internet is a big waste of time and should be used sparingly.


Well-known member
I haven't done anything for almost 3 years now I think. What a waste I am. Try not to let it get to you too badly. Can't be a rabbit all the time. Hell most of the time.


A month? Try a year <-- me in 2012 :sad:

I've learned to overcome this by doing 3 things:

1- Setting up easy, achievable goals.
2- Working on those goals gradually without any rush, even if it means only 10-15 minutes per day.
3- Acknowledging progress I've made no matter how small and trivial it is.

Right now, almost every week there's something new or interesting I'm doing. :)