i completely agree with equal rights.


as it sais, i completely agree with equal rights between men and woman, but if your a straight guy,
whens the last time a girl asked you out! whens the last time a girl bought you flowers! whens the last time a girl has taken you out to a restaurant, etc

i know the argument, i know, "guys only do that to get us into bed"
fair enough, 20 years ago that may of been true!

woman demand stuff these days! "do this to me" and the guys sitting with the dictionary "what! hold on a minute im looking it up here"
she sais "hurry up"
the guys just spent a fortune trying to make a girl happy, then he gets demands about stuff no one could spell, let alone participate in!!

its not females that are the weaker sex! its us men

the point is woman are taking over the world, and theres nothing men can do about it!

i still love them though:D


Well-known member
as it sais, i completely agree with equal rights between men and woman, but if your a straight guy,
whens the last time a girl asked you out! whens the last time a girl bought you flowers! whens the last time a girl has taken you out to a restaurant, etc

i know the argument, i know, "guys only do that to get us into bed"
fair enough, 20 years ago that may of been true!

woman demand stuff these days! "do this to me" and the guys sitting with the dictionary "what! hold on a minute im looking it up here"
she sais "hurry up"
the guys just spent a fortune trying to make a girl happy, then he gets demands about stuff no one could spell, let alone participate in!!

its not females that are the weaker sex! its us men

the point is woman are taking over the world, and theres nothing men can do about it!

i still love them though:D

do you want women to buy you flowers? just wondering. i love getting flowers but i don't know if guys do.


do you want women to buy you flowers? just wondering. i love getting flowers but i don't know if guys do.

no i would rather have 6 tins of extra strong beer, and headbutt a taxi, i dont understand what the fascination is wi flowers, i mean they are just plants that you cant smoke!


Yeah its like that sometimes, but not all women are materialistic. Also, heres a FACT:

When a man falls in love his estrogen levels go up, and when a women falls in love her testosterone levels go up. Women get more bossy and males tend to turn out more wimpy.

well that doesnt appeal to me at all, to hell with love and all them fancy words!


Well-known member
no i would rather have 6 tins of extra strong beer, and headbutt a taxi, i dont understand what the fascination is wi flowers, i mean they are just plants that you cant smoke!

I dont understand the fascination either. Its certainly been worth it whenever I've bought flowers for a girl ;)

You should get them delivered in the afternoon. Preferably when shes around lots of other people, say at work. Make sure you see her as soon as possible. The magic only lasts so long haha


Well-known member
as it sais, i completely agree with equal rights between men and woman, but if your a straight guy,
whens the last time a girl asked you out! whens the last time a girl bought you flowers! whens the last time a girl has taken you out to a restaurant, etc

I once bought a rose for a guy on Valentine's Day and he was really flattered. He still lived at home and his mum got to the rose first and thought it was for
her, so she was disappointed when it turned out it wasn't, but he seemed to like it.

i know the argument, i know, "guys only do that to get us into bed"
fair enough, 20 years ago that may of been true!

Partly, I suppose, but I wasn't going to make that argument myself.

woman demand stuff these days! "do this to me" and the guys sitting with the dictionary "what! hold on a minute im looking it up here"
she sais "hurry up"
the guys just spent a fortune trying to make a girl happy, then he gets demands about stuff no one could spell, let alone participate in!!

Do we? Thanks for the sparkling reference on our character.

its not females that are the weaker sex! its us men

the point is woman are taking over the world, and theres nothing men can do about it!

I agree with this in some ways, and I think a lot of men don't like it. I think many men feel a need to be needed, while women gaining equality with men merely want male contact. I think the fact that the women have more choice over whether they have a man around makes the man feel useless, when nothing could be farther from the truth.

All I (and many other women, I'm sure) want from a man is for him to be a decent human being, that's all. No power trips, no 'everything will be my way' or that kind of thing. I just want to share my life with another human being who, it is likely, will be male.


Active member
I demand equal right for eletrical appliances. Can you honestly say that you've never looked at a washing machine and thought that it's just a woman with a white dress on ?