I can't stand myself right now


Well-known member
I just feel like I want to get away from myself
I have been the most depressed I have ever been the last few days
Everyone always tells me to cheer up and stop being so miserable but the last few days a lot of people have been asking what is wrong and stuff, even strangers
I just feel so... I don't even know
I hate who I am, I am really fed up and just wish I was someone else all together.
Everything about myself has been pissing me right off to the extent I am getting so so so angry that it actually scares me. :sad:
I have finally today lost everyone. Literally, I have never felt so alone in my life
I just feel so empty, like I have nothing.
All the stuff I usually like doing I just cant, I am not eating. My sleeping is really bad. My anxiety has got a lot worse, grrrrrr. Seems life wants every single thing I love. :sad:


Well-known member
You sound like you're in a very deep spiral of depression - like a black hole and you can't seem to get out.

Talk to someone. Before you hurt yourself. :sad:


Well-known member
I agree with MickeyC. Please talk/chat with someone, could be on this site or elsewhere. There are also hotlines you can call, some sponsored by the state and others by nonprofits.

I recommend exploring mindfulness and meditation, which promotes self awareness and self acceptance.


Active member
Have you tried to talk to someone about your mild depression because i too have very deep deprerssion problems hopefully you can seek the help like i did :)