This is for you ktea. I know how you feel. Many of us do. Some of us have been there. My suggestion to you would be as follows. Research your issues on the internet. Get some idea of what you are struggling with. One would assume social anxiety. If so it's not that bad. You just need to take the next step. That usually involves contacting a support group or talking to your doctor (sometimes, demanding that he listens). If he doesn't listen there is usually a number you can ring for help. The phone book is more than an arm rest. I know how scary it is. It's, let be frank terrifying. I’ve been there. It's like this massive shell you are in and you just can't break out of it. I totally suggest being stubborn and not going to school or just telling someone like your mother, principal, brother, father, neighbour, priest, sister, doctor, school counselor, just some one who will act on you behalf.
All the best