Hyperhidrosis + Age


Well-known member
So in doing research i've found that sources say hyperhidrosis of the hands and feet starts earlier than sweating of the armpits. And that hyperhidrosis starts in late childhood or adolesence. I'm wondering when you first experienced sweating or started worrying about HH. Also maybe HH is something that is directly relating to our hormones. I heard than men don't finish puberty or full development until their early 20's. If that is true that maybe after that period HH should get better or not get any worse? Any thoughts?


New member
Hi, I am in my mid 20s and just started trying to treat my hyperhidrosis (it's generalized and pretty major). As to your specific point, my dad had a period around his mid 20s as well where he sweated a lot, but it passed a bit later. I haven't talked to him about it much, but I hope that the same is true for me. I'm sure his was less severe than mine, but it is certainly good to know that at least the worst of it could be a phase.


Well-known member
So in doing research i've found that sources say hyperhidrosis of the hands and feet starts earlier than sweating of the armpits. And that hyperhidrosis starts in late childhood or adolesence. I'm wondering when you first experienced sweating or started worrying about HH. Also maybe HH is something that is directly relating to our hormones. I heard than men don't finish puberty or full development until their early 20's. If that is true that maybe after that period HH should get better or not get any worse? Any thoughts?

Dude, Read my post!
Relates Directly to yours, I didn't even know you posted this.


My hands started in my young teenage years... and i didnt sweat at all anywhere else. Then around 16-17 my armpits/feet hit me out of know where. I agree with you 100% and am very sure there is some correlation between the two.


Well-known member
One thing I can say for sure about this.

My sweating also came around 12-13 years old.And when U are at this age,U sweat less.

So what I am trying to say,even then we sweat in our hands and feet?.
Something is wrong,HH is a diseas.We sweat when its not nessesary.Its the fight or fligt system that we develop when dinosaurs lived on our planet.

So normal persons can say:eek:mg, I almost crashed my car today,and I was so scared that I got clammy in my hands.This is perfectly normal.

But we sweat for no reason/explenation, so something is wrong.Biological,nervesystem etc.?
Think that when we where 12-13 our sweatglands under the armpits was not developed at that age.But when we get past the puberty,then it is.And some get HH there to.

I consider myself lucky,because my mainly problem is hands/feet,but yes I can also have sweat attacks under my arms,back,groin,face,even my ass!But I have uptil know been lucky whit that,not a big problem for me.

Before I use to think,God, why couldent I had HH in my armpits instead.Because I tought that armpits was easier to treat,more options.When reading about people who got this shit all over.Hands/feet,face,cranial,groin,back,ass,knees,armpits etc,and its severe all over.Jeeeeeez I feel sorry for those people,and can actualy understand an ETS-operation.And hoping for that the trade off whit one devil to another can be better.Even if I am personaly against ETS.Because its a trade off!!


Well-known member
I'm not entirely sure when it started, but it seemed to get particularly bad at about 22-23, which was about the time I found out there was even a term called "hyperhidrosis".


Well-known member
hmm noticed it at about 15 but didn't know what it was until I was 20-21 and I'm 23


Well-known member
hmm well i've read on some websites that say: hyperhidrosis can spontaneously improve or go away at about age 25 or later in a lot of people. I'm just turning 22 and i hope it gets better with age as hormones and stuff start to slow down.


Well-known member
hmm well i've read on some websites that say: hyperhidrosis can spontaneously improve or go away at about age 25 or later in a lot of people. I'm just turning 22 and i hope it gets better with age as hormones and stuff start to slow down.

Yea I would advice you to have that positive tought in your mind,and try to realy belive in it.The brain is a funny thing,we know little about it,but positiv thinking can for sure give great results if you are open minded:)

Hoping for you that the HH slows down by age:)


Well-known member
Mine kinda started last summer at age 24, I'm still 24 now...

I became extremely sensitive to heat and the sun, would sweat alot on the chest, stomach and back. But worst of all was whenever I was facing an anxious situation, I started sweating heavily on for the forehead and then chest, back and stomach. But these things never happened before even tough I've had social anxiety since a long time.

How can you explain this ? It boggles my mind.

I'm just hoping this summer it won't be as bad...


Active member
I've been sweating in my hands and feet since I was 6. It was much worse back then, my hands used to drip. Now that I'm 21 they still sweat pretty bad but not dripping. My mom has the same condition and now that she's 50 she doesn't sweat that much anymore. She doesn't remember when she started sweating though.


New member
I have palmar/plantar hyperhidrosis. My earliest memory of symptoms was at 8 or 9 years of age. I was sitting at the dining room table doing a homework assignment and my mom, amazed at the extent of my hand-sweating, pointed it out to her then boyfriend. I had already begun to compensate for my condition at that time, and used a folded, blank sheet of paper under my writing hand to avoid smudging my work. It's possible that I had experienced symptoms for awhile, but I don't remember being conscious of my excessive sweating in 2nd grade or earlier.

Despite what this forum implies, I experience symptoms not only in social situations (I have always been drawn to public speaking and am fairly outgoing, although something as innocuous as paying for my groceries often triggers sweating) but also when using my hands for meticulous tasks like writing, typing, and sewing. As a microbiologist, this can sometimes hinder my work, but lucky for me I spend a lot of time under a laminar flow hood which is very drying. I also wear gloves a lot at work (although it can be difficult to put latex/nitrile gloves on wet hands). Like many of you I have become good at hiding my symptoms over the years, and most people I know don't even realize I have this problem which is remarkable, because my symptoms are very severe (dripping, swelling). I believe my symptoms became worse as a teenager, but they have not subsided since (I am now 30).
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Well-known member
I also started my sweating around 8 years of age. I don't remember the first time I noticed it. It just seems like its always been there. I also have palmar/plantar hyperhidrosis. Im much more bothered by my sweaty hands than my feet. The feet are bad but they have nothing on the what my hands have caused. I had also heard that it subsides with age, but I'm 26 and I have experienced no subsiding yet. I just continue to pray for a cure or good treatment.


Well-known member
I am 41 and there was no subsiding. Tried botox injections, wipes. Finally used a homemade Iontophoresis device and it has literally changed my life.

My mom had HH and always claimed it would go away with age - but for me - it really didn't seem to.

If you haven't tried the ionto - I really can't recommend it highly enough. Did a session before an 8 day trip and not even a smidge came back - even while exercising and sweating profusely elsewhere.

Good luck,


Well-known member
hmm well i've read on some websites that say: hyperhidrosis can spontaneously improve or go away at about age 25 or later in a lot of people. I'm just turning 22 and i hope it gets better with age as hormones and stuff start to slow down.

It went away for my grandfather when he was around 25. He had it on his hands/feet/armpits - I do too, but I think my case is a little worse than his. I'm 21, so I'm praying that mine will go away when I am 25 like it did for my grandpa.


Well-known member
My hands and feet started sweating when I was around 5-6. Almost 50 years later I can't say it hasn't improved much.
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Started at 12 for me under my arms only.

Any effort I have made to stop it in one area (driclor, sweat gland removal) has led to it appearing in another.

I think it's body heat related in that I am too hot so I sweat. My temperature is 37.5