Hurty teef :o


Well-known member
Yes. I am constantly grinding my teeth when nervous or anxious, I also grind them in my sleep, I can't help it.
Yeah, mine hurt everyday because I am constantly grinding my teeth and clenching my jaw. I can't help but hold it really really tight and I can't stop it either.


Well-known member
I chew gum all the time,first I started to do it to not get anxious,now if I dont do it I get anxious around people,some are starting to hurt,feels funny at the end of the day.


Active member
i do it too.

if i ever notice myself doing it, ive learnt something that helps - i press the tip of my tongue to the roof of my mouth, and let my lower jaw droop a little (obviously not in front of people, or else try and make it subtle).

this also helps if you get panic attacks, because it helps to stop you breathing in and out too much, so it helps get your breathing under control.

but i clench my jaws so often, and dont realise it half the time, so im getting lots of headaches at nite!


Well-known member
I also grind my teeth, more at night that at any other time.

I don't know if I agree with any kind of tension to deal with anxiety, Eledee. The best results are the complete opposite; slow, deep breathing, relaxed muscles. Even fighters, when not attacking or defending, do this. Relaxed muscles and deep, steady breathing are crucial for them.