Humuliating day at work


Well-known member
Today my area manager made his monthly visit to the store i work in. The store manager has to assess my performance and give a rating out of 4 for various criteria, and then we have a meeting in the office so we can discuss it with the area manager (my manager)

Anyway it started off great, for instance i got the full 4 out of 4 for punctuality, and i got a lot of 3's. On the whole they were pleased with my performance.

And now to the crappy part. For communication i got 2.5 out of 4 because they said i am very shy......The worst was still to come. They said that my appearance was excellent but they could only give me 3 out of 4 because i apparently have bad body odour!:eek: I felt shocked and humuliated as i thought that i took great pride in my personal hygiene. To make it more humuliating i was told how i could prevent it by using anti perspirant...I told them that i suffer from anxiety which makes me sweat a lot.....I felt stupid and like scum to be honest.

First of all when someone points out my shyness i feel more shy than before, and i feel inadequate o'r inferior.

Secondly i spent the rest of the day at work keeping my distance from everyone because i now feel super conscious that i stink.::(:


Well-known member
I hope they handled the situation in a sensitive way. It must have been humiliating. I would hate to be put in that situation.

I've noticed these a few times before but these google ads aren't very sensitive either.


Active member
At least you kept your discipline. Every guy gets some body odour, even if using deodrant. It's not the end of the world, and it's nothing but ignorance on their part.


Well-known member
Lol dooby duck just seen that sweat advert!

The company i work for have actually fired a few guys in the past for having body odour!


New member
The rating system is crap. Why did they even give you a 2.5 for being shy. It's not a bad thing and it's part of you. In the past I was looked down for being shy. When you look at it is like being diminish for something that you can not control. There is nothing wrong with being shy and most of the time if people reprehend you it's most likely that they don't how to handle the situation.
Try to see the positive generally you got really good scores.
Sure you are shy and you sweat but besides that they are happy with you.
So they just reinforced something you already know and that you are working


when i worked in a department store, it was absolutely roasting in the summer so us guys used to discuss this and what deoderants to use, we came to the conclusion that lynx was just a spray and not a good deoderant. 'sure' works best for me.

im sure i read somewhere that your a security guard so have to wear a uniform, and if its hot and youve got anxiety then your going to sweat. its only natural. i mean what do they expect:confused:

ive never heard of this rating system thing either but it sounds a lot of crap if you ask me.

my reply would of involved a few f words and c words (which is not to be advised;))

i would like to see that rating system lot, doing your job mate :)
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Well-known member
jesus i hate companies for the most part!
you should walk in and give them a rating and see how they feel ...
tell them you think you deserve a pay rise and better conditions etc..
tell them you think the manager should have better people and mentoring skills and perhaps the company should focus on raising morale ...

the managers of the company i work for right now only cares about themselves and covering their own arses at any cost...they have been giving a few people a hard time for not being fast enough even though i know those people were trying very hard ...the managers also dont like them talking or having fun because it distracts from the job ....

its an absoulte joke

if i had to do an apprasel i think i'd just get into a rare state of anger and lash out verbally at the person rating me because it annoys me that much..i'd just say something really cheeky and sarcastic, i'd say "so what do you think of my shoes, are they the right colour for you?"..."how's my taste in music?"? ...just to make things really awkward and gruelling for them... ...

one of the reasons i really don't like working for any companies at all, it feels so fake to me but its the socially acceptable thing to do and pays a wage ....

there are good places to work though with better environments...
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Yeah being "rated" as a person with intense fear of dissaproval is not a fun experience. I'm getting rated pretty soon too and they're firing everyone who doesn't get the top rating so I'm pretty anxious about it, surprise

I had a pretty ****ing terrible day at work too. But I'm not even going to think about it and instead I'm just going to chalk it up to only getting 3 hours of sleep.
Humiliating, but now you know about your body odor and will control it by frequent showers and even more frequent clothes changes, antiperspirants, wet towelettes, normalizing diet (then sweat will smell less) and using tranquilizers, maybe herbal nerve, to sweat less.

Painful, but this is a life lesson you will never get repeated in your life. It is not about inferiority or inadequacy, or avoiding others: people do not feel own smell. You'll solve this problem, once and forever, for good.


Well-known member
That sucks. But hey atleast you got 4's and 3's so dont put yourself down. Sounds like your manager has a bit of a thing for smelling people if others have been sacked in the past. lol!


Well-known member
A 2.5 that's oddly precise isn't it....they might as well just mark out of 10...

Anyway, recluse you must now use this oppurtunity to improve further! Obviosly improving the social side of things is easier said than done...but now you have been made aware of the BO problem, you can take appropriate action and smell much better! Who knows, it may even improve your confidence a tiny bit! And it will all add up!