Howd therapy go for you?


Well-known member
Hey, just wondering about your therapy experience. I quit after not improving despite having 3 doctors :( Seems like they don't get that I understand my problem, and just need help with the solution. They didn't really give me good advice. maybe I'm just stubborn and didn't try hard enough, but idk...What did your therapists say to do? Do you feel it helped you out?


Well-known member
Yeah I think it's a bit like asking an alcoholic to give up drinking. You have to be ready and committed if you hope to make any progress. Unfortunately there's no magic pill or quick fix.


Well-known member
therapy has worked really well for me.. i've never been to a doctor, just a therapist. i love my therapist to death, she's great :) she has really worked with me to understand my issues and figure out how i can overcome them. it's not like i said this is my problem and she gave me a generic answer.. there isn't one cookie cutter way that works for everyone. so we just worked through CBT and started making goals, etc etc... like someone said before, you do have to be ready to really work hard to change.. it's not easy and it's not fun, but you have to decide if you want to sit and wallow in your sorrows or get up and do something about it... and yeah, having hope and faith that i can be better has helped. i wouldn't be near where i am today if i had a piss ass attitude and was all 'woe is me' about it..