How well do you think you would survive back in the days?


Well-known member
So I was playing this game called red dead redemption, the setting of the game is in 1911 in the wild west. So I told myself how the hell would I survived in a hostile world like that with social anxiety. No computer, internet, video games, tvs, cell phones, not sure about radios only books. Also there was a lot more things to do when it comes to work and agriculture and mind state was a bit different.

I don't like reading but i'm sure books would be my best friends anyways i'm glad i wasn't born around that time, technology ftw

how well do you think you would do?


Well-known member
I would love to live back then! I love hands on work. I don't think i'd have anxiety either, because I'd HAVE to work, and work is usually a lot more social without computers and tech., you just have to help. Nothing to escape into, no excuses, SA probably didn't even have a name so you can't make any excuses. I think i'd fair a lot better


New member
I'd find myself a man and start having babies at a really young age, and hope I don't die from childbirth or an infected tooth or something.

If I had social anxiety back then, I probably wouldn't mind as much, because I'd have more pressing problems. Sometimes I like to think about how if I were born into a different time period I wouldn't be so phobic of people. I think there's probably some times and places that would have prevented me from becoming this way. But wild west 1911...while it's possible I might not have developed SA, the lifestyle just isn't so tempting to make me fantasize about it.


Well-known member
I think i would kick ass at surviving. I probably would have just lived in the wilderness, something I plan on doing in the next few years


Well-known member
I think there would be too work to do to bother worrying about what I had to do in my down time. I'm sure work days were alot more then 8 hours. Depending on what type of work I wouldn't be surprised if a typical work day was about 15 hours or up.