How to stop these obsessive thoughts


Well-known member
I don't mean like wanting to harm anyone or anything but I just over-think about EVERYTHING little when it comes to certain things. It drives me crazy and I do my best to rid of it and "just go with it" when moments come but then I get home, and rethink everything and wonder...again, how can I stop this?

I am asking because mostly... my issue with this guy I was getting close to over the summer and we had a misunderstanding and now he is slowly coming around again by initiating greetings with me.... so I am thinking MAYBE this will turn into a second chance and if it does, I can mess it up. I HAVE to stop over thinking everything, its gonna drive me crazy. When I was with him, I would just literally forget everything, including the time and I was happy and free and it was so rare but amazing for me to feel like this... thats why I thought we had a connection.... but then I'd go home, blog about my awesome day or evenings and then when we wouldn't talk for a few weeks, I started to wonder what happened and would rethink things and try to figure where I went wrong. I never acted like this in person, its just when I am alone, mostly at night, before bed.... and it just annoys me.

Its not JUST about him, but thats my main issue at the moment, I have this obessive thought thing though anytime someone is mad at me, or someone isn't talking to me, or I "Feel" something is wrong, or when I am about to experience something new (like a new job) I do NOT want to get on meds so that option is a no... but is there any other way to stop this, and just relax before bed? Sometimes it can take me hours to fall asleep!


Well-known member
Have you tried meditating? my mind is always busy with random thoughts specially right before bed but over the years I've learned to literally empty my mind. I just concentrate on my breathing, only hearing my breath, inhales and exhales and sooner or later my mind is blank and I'm asleep.


Well-known member
Nope, I have not! I can try it though :) What about when I am awake though too? Does it help for that as well?


Well-known member
I can blank my mind when I'm awake but obviously I have to be in a meditating zone because I can't just be blank minded when I'm in the middle of something, lol. I guess when you're just doing your daily stuff the best you can do is just to preoccupy yourself with something else. It's easier said than done but that's what I do. I do things that I enjoy, like watch a movie or play video games, draw, knit, paint or read about whatever just so my focus is on something else.


Well-known member
If you find a solution I would like to know it too. I have the exact same problem it just manifests itself in different variations and scenerios like you have just described. It is an awful problem and disrupts my life. Instead of working I am obsessing the same thing over and over again I can't even concentrate.