How to find a doctor

tortured soul

New member
I want to find a doctor that specializes in ocd/pure ocd, but I have no idea how to go about doing this. Should I just call a hospital and ask them if they have any doctors that specialize with this illness? I'm reluctant to go to a regular psychiatrist as I'm concerned that they will not know how to help me or, even worse, will have me committed or something. Thanks.

On an unrelated question, should I be looking for a psychologist or a psychiatrist.


Well-known member
do you have health insurance? if you do just call the number and they will usually give you a list of referrals.

if you don't have health insurance...?

tortured soul

New member
Thanks for the response. Yes, I have health insurance. Would they be able to give me referrals to doctors that specialize in in OCD/pure O?


Well-known member
You could try googling it too... OCD psychiatrist specialist <your area> ... then when you see who is in your area, call the insurance company to see if they accept your insurance.


Active member
Start with your primary care physician. Ask him or her to recommend you a psychiatrist.
The reason you want a phsychiatrist first is that they will actually diagnose you, and if you require medication, then they will be able to prescribe that to you.
Then, once you are diagnosed and prescribed, most likely SSRIs, you will be in a position to be responsive to psychotherapy.
A person with OCD who is unmedicated will simply drive themselves and the psychologist mad, going around in circles getting nowhere and wasting every body's time. You need to first use medication to bring your brain chemistry to a somewhat rational level and then you can work on yourself from there.
Good luck and please do not delay, ok?
Maxine xxx


Well-known member
No you don't 'need' medication - some people may prefer it or find it helpful, some don't.
Personally, I find it annoying how many doctors here (psychiatrists especially) just push meds, when talk therapy eg CBT or others could be equally or more effective..

For some people, meds can be helpful, others may even have bad side effects.. Also, people have different 'levels' of OCD. And this can change with stress levels and such too.. (I've had times when I needed to check if I locked doors, and times when I did't need to..)

Some people on OCD forums have had success with omega3 or such.. You can try this yourself - is it better after you eat tuna or such? (For me, it is.. :))

There are therapists online who offer OCD treatment via phone or e-mail.. Some very helpful articles and approaches are online too.. Just google 'CBT forum' or such..

Some people even learnt a lot from books or articles and cured themselves, at least they say they did and what they wrote was helpful to me too... I highly recommend learning as much as you can so that you'll know if your therapist is doing it 'right'.. Also ask if they specialize in OCD and what forms of therapy they offer..

Some people even say what their therapists say and have them do is so basic they could probably do it without a therapist too.. If you can get a good therapist that's great, if not or if there are waiting lists, learn as much as you can..
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