How severe is your reclusiveness?


I don't venture outside anymore either, unless I absolutely have to. I can't remember what it's like to interact with other human beings who aren't my immediate family.


in a VAN down by the RIVER
It's relatively bad.

Compared to some other social phobia sufferers, maybe not so much, but if you compared the amount of time I stay inside or just the times I only go out really late at night to that of an average person, it'd be severe.
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Well-known member
I never go out. Apart from work. And when I'm there I NEVER talk, most people think I'm slightly crazy.... which to honest, isn't far from the truth.

I too used to go out with friends and have fun, now everywhere I go (if anywhere) I rush servilely, HAVE to get back home.

Is it similar for you 'Chair' ???


Well-known member
i have no choice but to interact with people with my job , and im getting a bit reclusive but im hoping to change that very soon:)


Well-known member
I only go outside for specific reasons such as work, school, buy something, gym ( i'm injured right now so i haven't went in a while) and when the weather is nice do some bicycle. I don't have a problem to go outside, i just need a reason to go


Well-known member
I went out yesterday... That was the first time in about 2 months.. I feel very embarrassed to say. Everything felt a blur because i actually saw people out and about getting on with thier lives. Omg that sounds so bad doesnt it? :confused:
I had to go out though because my mum forced me but it made me feel much better afterwards.
I'm going to try getting out atleast once a week then gradually build it up.
I've probably only been out 5 or 6 times in the last year.
I go out frequently, almost daily actually, but mostly alone. I like to go shopping or for a walk and take photos of anything that I find interesting. I am thinking of buying a bicycle so that I can exercise a bit too. With my friends however rarely do I go out, not that I have any here in Germany...


Well-known member
i think alot of this can come down to your environment/suburban area, how its set out that can make you feel trapped...i remember when i rented near a main highway i never wanted to go anywhere unless it was in my car because so many cars and allt he traffic could see you if you walked past that area ....where as in contrast if i lived in a more open spaced area that was spread out i'd be more likely to go out because there arn't people everywhere ...i like to go to the shops and to play basketball though, but i used to be alot more reclusive...but i think where you live can play a factor.


Super Moderator
Pretty severe I suppose. I go out only once a week for class and that's all. Sometimes I might find something else to do and I might go out for a couple of hours... but that's rare. It gets worse during summer/winter break, I tend not to go out at all. It's not because of SA only... i also have zero energy to do things lately.


New member
I can go days without leaving, and even then, only to venture out to get supplies. I'll go later in the evening or even early mornings(before school was back in for me) just so I can avoid having to see anyone.

It seems the longer you go, the easier it is to stay in and avoid contact with the outside world.


Well-known member
I only go out to work, walk the dog or go cycling. Avoiding people most of the time. If I didn't work I think it would only take a few weeks before I'd become a hermit.
I only go outside for specific reasons such as work, school, buy something, gym ( i'm injured right now so i haven't went in a while) and when the weather is nice do some bicycle. I don't have a problem to go outside, i just need a reason to go

Same for me really- I go out for something pretty much every day, but it's usually just work or shopping. I very rarely go out to do anything "fun," and when I do, it's with my kids. I think if I had friends to hang out with I would go out more- but as it is, if I'm not working, I'm just chilling in my apartment.