how many people do u have in your phone book on your mobile?


Well-known member
i have 20 and that's including my parents lol

20 contacts and not one has text me to see how i'm doing over the past week :(


Well-known member
Zero... I don't have a mobile... Don't want one either. :lol:

If I look at my e-mail contacts I have five... Three of them are family members...


Well-known member
Since I have nothing to do, I went to my mobile and counted the numbers I have listed in the phone book. It surprised me even, there was a hundred, plus minus. BUT, the only people I contact in them are my family members. Some of the numbers in there are of shops, some are of people that I don't even remember at all. I know it sounds incredible, 100, but when I was in school, there was this 'tradition', usually on the first few days of a new class/school, people would exchange numbers, even if its people we hardly knew so its like in a day, each of us collects like 10,20 numbers of other people's numbers and give them our own. And since I've had the same number for 6 or 7 years now and been to 4 schools, not to mention more classes, that's how I've accumulated so many numbers. Its my wish though to change my number and have all these people stripped off my list and give out my new number only to my family members.


Well-known member
As for me I have things to do.. like going to sleep ... to goto work tomorrow.. but yet I started to count the numbers on my phone. Maybe Its the fear of facing tomorrow.

I was surprised. OK I expected over 50 maybe but under 100, but have close to 200.

I have had this phone number for a long time.. probably 7-8 years and have accumulated numbers from work places I have worked, shops, uni and the few friends I have/had and of course family. I only call my family regularly and maybe few short call to work numbers.

When I first got the mobile, I was embarrassed how small the number of contacts I had... so I decided not to delete any even though I probably never would call or need to call some of them again.

In a way it was good that I kept some of those numbers because, I did call few of the friends from my past... in attempts to get me out of my isolation (Well This has stalled... well thats another story and another thread).



Well-known member
I have a mobile and i've only got my mum, dad and sister on it lol :p yeah, embaressing and well sad i know. I've no friends see. I dunno why i have a mobile at all, but sometimes it's handy when i have to phone my parents about something. I would love to text again, it's been aaages since i last sent a text. But no one to text, with my parents i just phone. My sister is always carrying her's around and texting someone. :cry:

I have more online friend IM contacts than mobile contacts lol


Well-known member
Not many! mostly aqquaintances.

This also applies to social networking site such as Bebo an facebook. I have only about 4 contacts max while my peers have 20 minimum


Well-known member
12. I could have many more, but I never give my number out when acquaintances want it.


Active member
My girlfriend, some relatives and health/security sorta numbers. I used to have an acquiantance from some martial arts group last year but we are not in touch for the time being.