How exactly do I go about approaching a girl?


Well-known member
Yes, hypothyroidism is definitely linked to depression. I was diagnosed as hypothyroid and the good news is that it's very treatable with inexpensive medication.

Oh yeah, I'm hypothyroidic and take levothyroxine for it. Cheap, easy, and even helps my energy levels a little.


Well-known member
What I ment was I don't talk or associate with anyone I find attractive and or interesting. I have a lot of friends that are girls, but either, they're dating one of my guy friends, I'm not interested in them, or they're not interested in me. That's why I asked this question, I want to approach new people, people I find attractive, people who if they got to know me, might give me a chance.

I'll just be brief and straightforward on this: If you start getting that thought pattern of "is she interested? is she not interested? will she like me or hate me?", you're just gonna keep scaring yourself off. Really. 'Cause those kinds of thoughts are serious anxiety-booster. Or when you say to yourself "I'm not worth it" and other self-depreciating thoughts, it's not going to give you any courage to "approach" that person, especially if you like her. So if I were you, get rid of those thoughts that make you focus on the outcome.

In short, if you're going to approach a girl, maybe focus on just one that catches your eye, and be aware of what's going through your mind. Are they causing you to panic or are they helping you to act in a reasonable manner? Do you start thinking "is she gonna like me? what if she doesn't?"? 'Cause once you starting thinking like that, you're most likely NOT going to do it. If I were you, I'd ask myself: "I wonder what she's like, what likes to do, etc." You're approaching her because you just want to get to know her first. If you want to be seen as someone interesting, show that you're interested. Or else, she won't be. Not likely. ::p: