How do you make friends if you are shy?


Well-known member
Most of the time, I'm not the one who chooses my friends. They often are the ones who choose me.

However, I choose whether I want to keep those friends or not.


Well-known member
I am a shy guy and I have problems making friends. I don't know what to do.

First step is to put your shyness aside. There really is no other way. Then you gotta find some common ground.

a.) Jobs - befriend coworkers

b.) School - befriend classmates

c.) Sports - befriend teammates

Personally, I'm self employed, done with school, and hate sports. So none of the above options would work for me. Instead, I just try to make friends with girls. It's much easier and more natural. I use dating sites, but myspace/facebook can work all the same.

Best of luck.


its always easy for me to make one friend. I will then tell them how I work, and they will understand im shy. Then I follow them out into their world [they let me know its ok] and I make friends from there. Thats the only way I can.

But no friendships have lasted for me. None at all.


You just gotta suck it up and talk to people

There are some things you can do to make it easier. But for the most part it just takes that moment of gutsiness to take a leap of faith and start talking to people.

Go out to social places, like bars or clubs. If you go to school or work then just strike up a conversation with someone about what you are currently doing.

It is indimidating but once you start talking to people and people start liking you and you get some sweome friends, you can't stop.


Well-known member
It's pretty difficult. Just put yourself out there I guess and try to talk to people. It's better than sitting around waiting for people to talk to you, right?

I honestly wouldn't know though, as I have approximately zero friends.


I have the same problem, although I am a girl. I couldn't even say hi to the guy I want to meet, he was standing 2 feet away and what do I do, NOTHING. I just sat there. :confused:


Well-known member
A good thing to do is find a hobby,like a sport,you will make friends naturally as you keep going to practice.