how do you feel today?


Well-known member
I feel so low today, i just want to go to sleep and never wake up. :(

Ive been getting so much better, then today i just couldnt shake the feeling of people watching me ....that really self conciouse feeling.

I was walking home this morning from a school run and i just wanted to get indoors i felt so bad, then i saw my neighbour and i tried to say hi and she just looked at me like i was some kind of freak. :roll:

Im so tiered of trying to fight it...........maybe tommorow will be better.

How do you feel today?


Well-known member
I'm having a low few days too.

I've had a reasonable brave patch just lately, been doing a lot..maybe too much and overdone it.

Had someone upset me yesterday, someone very ungrateful when I have done so much for them. I invited them to dinner at last minute notice because they didn't want to buy dinner at their hotel. They moaned that it was taking so long for me to cook it (there were 7 of us, that many spuds and frseh veg take time!) then the sausages were too herby and they don't like frozen sausages. They were fresh ones that I had frozen and I didn't just happen to have fresh stuff in because I didn't know they were coming for dinner until an hour before. Theyalso said don't know how you can live here and rude comments about my home. I held it all in but ten it overflowed. I burst in to tears and told them how they made me feel. I wasn't rude and I didn't shout but they then told others how nasty I was to them.
I'm a twin and the same person is always comparing me to my sis which makes me uncomfortable. Comments like are you taller, larger than 'x'. have you put on weight? When I haven't. It really screws with my head.
I've come to the conclusion that some people hate me because I'm slim and pretty and got nice house and car.

I know in the grand scheme of things its little stuff but it makes me feel horrible for a lot longer than the actual event and reinforces my feelings of not socialising being the right choice.

Hopefully tomorrow will be better. Dreaded person gone home 300 miles away now.

Hopefully your tomorrow will be better too. I really understand what you mean by the looks.


Well-known member
I feel...empty. Just empty.

I woke up this morning feeling, surprisingly, relly great with a smile on my face. And then I get into town, not doing much, just going to the local job centre, but I just develope this feeling of emptiness/"nothingness".

I think it's due mainly to that fact thatI have just had to leave a job I really enjoyed (it was only as tempoary contract). And now, I'm back to square one, with no job (which my folks are gonna' hate!), and not knowing what the future holds.

I mean, I've felt a hell of alot worse in the past than what I feel today, but...there's just something there, clouding me. That feling of impending doom. Looking into the future and seeing only "black".


Well-known member
People can be so shit, some people thrive on others weaknesses its thier way of hiding thier own insecurities...........this makes them weak!

I hope everyone has a better day tommorow..........

without challenge, there is no achievement


Well-known member
Times-Ticking said:
I wish I had the Guts to hang myself but I don't so I just stay in a never ending cycle of going to bed at night hoping I don't wake up but it never happens.

i wish i had the guts to hang myself. doubt i would actually do it, but i figure if i had guts of any kind i'd do something crazy with it. like be the person i really am inside or something else bizarre and otherworldly!


New member
Right now? I feel like dying and really not caring either as long as my life troubles go away.


Well-known member
Not great.

This afternoon my nerves feel as if they've been torn to shreds. It's hard to explain, but everyday noises have been really going through me, and making me totally on edge.


Well-known member
Ive had days like that too i totally know were your coming from!
its so hard but keep going everyday is different.
" if your going through hell-keep going" winston churchill


Well-known member
I don't feel to bad either, maybe its the sunshine and being off work this pressures to socialise.

Had a really productive day, cooking, cleaning out my chicken sheds and painting the sheds with preserver stuff. Sounds boring but theres something theraputic about painting sheds in the sunshine.


Well-known member
i felt right shitty today. everything is getting me down-my shitty low wage job, shit social life, no girlfriend, i wanted to smash something just to let out some anger.


Well-known member
Pish >.<
I go back to school tomorro. I'm shxtten it soo badly. Back in a class with the numptys agen. I swear if this was still last year i wouldn't be goin back cos i have had enuf.
I'm glad that i'm only back for 3-4wks thou but tis still too long. I just hate the constant dizzyness, the fact i'm alone n rly sad all day, tha fact i have no friends, the shakin in class, bein scared of gettin shown up. Scared to raise my voice etc etc. Tis so annoyin.
I just wanna get away from it all.
Ohh and a can't sleep cos i'm worryin about tomorro and i have a splittin headache grr x

Reiji Moritsugu

Well-known member
Like total, complete, and absolute crap.

A little retarded also.

But a part of me is giving less and less of a damn,
so I hope such part is the dominant one tomorrow.

If there is a god, I bet he/she/whatever created
people like me so he/she/whatever could have
something to laugh at the whole time.

Go figure.


I felt wonderful today until I had to go out in public. I had another anxiety attack, it felt like everyone was staring at me and tomorrow is no better when I have to face my art professor 'cause I missed his class on the day of critiques due to my fear of presenting my work in front of all those students. Thus my grade will suffer tremendously. I wish I could die in my sleep...sigh.