How do you cope with current news events?


How do you all cope with the constant bombardment from the media?

Politics and politicians lately have been driving me crazy. The stupid election is in November and already we are seeing ads for the politicians. I can't stand TV. The computer is worse. So much information. So many biases. I am so sick of this polarized world and just wonder when we can just stop and get along. I am glad I am 41 and not 21, so I don't have that many years left! (At least fewer than if I were 21).

I turn off the TV when I can, but my wife likes to watch the news.
I turn off the radio when I can.
We don't have internet at home (thank God!).

So, what do you do to stop the constant bombardment from this crazy world?


Well-known member
I follow current events, perhaps due to masochism or curiosity and pursuing validation of my attitude to the human race. Politicans will always be dicks.

The shaky camera footage of events in the middle east in particular is disturbing. It looks like hell on earth. Its so bad I can't help being desensitized.

I am 40 so I feel relief that I don't have to experience what those younger than me have to. They are going to have to be tough and many of them will be.

That is one side of the story. There is enough that is good and peaceful beyond these things in my local environment. I take comfort in that. I have fun with friends and I see that there is still so much kindness in people and beauty in this world.

Yes, there comes a time when one needs to switch off.

Well-known member
I don't cope with it. I read the news daily, and my line of work is involved in certain countries where massive injustices take place. It gets me down, and I can never seem to switch off.


Well-known member
News just reminds and confirms to me everytime how miserable humans are in this planet, with so much suffering and injustice !

Roman Legion

Well-known member
I never watch the news, my father is addicted to it.. I hate TV and the majority of crap on it.. To include news. I honestly only scroll through news on AOL before checking my email. To quote Billy Joel lyrics..

"We didn't start the fire
It was always burning
Since the world's been turning "

Billy Joel - We Didn't Start The Fire - YouTube

It's been crap since before we were born and always will be.. So basically nothing bad they show is new, just the same crap I already know is going on and wrong with the world.

Not to mention the fact they [the media] get rich and make careers of exploiting people.. But that is another story..


Well-known member
You need to connect to the things that you have faith in more often to balance it back out. What do you have faith in? Spirituality can help, but is not needed. Simply faiths like family, nature, taking enjoyment in the really simple things, and other things that represent self on basic and enlightening level will make you feel so much bettttter


Well-known member
The media always makes it seem like the world is about to fall apart when in truth it really isn't.

And on internet (comments) it's probably worse, because there's no editors on the internet. Just unfiltered biased negative poison.

While I think it's good to keep up with events, I say keep it balanced and don't get carried away with it too much. Focus on your life and keep the negativity machine of the media out of it.


Well-known member
news programming is paid for by the advertisers who buy space during the show to run their ads

if no one watched the news, the advertisers wouldn't buy ad time, the show wouldn't get any money, and it would be canceled

so, above all, it has to draw viewers, it has to be entertaining, it has to get people to turn to that channel and watch so that they'll see the ads

you don't have to believe that what they tell you is as important as they say it is

you also don't have to buy the stuff that the advertisers tell you you're supposed to have
I don't watch the news or read the papers. Truth of the matter is, I just don't care. I could read about the most horrible accident across the world, and non would be better for it.

I like to keep things less general. I like to know about things that I, as a person, can be part of and change. However, I do watch SourceFed on YouTube. It's hardly news though, rather just interesting articles brought in a humorous way.


Well-known member
I tend to ignore them, other than a brief glance at a news website a few times a day to see if there is anything interesting. I don't watch TV really, so don't watch the news, and I don't buy a newspaper. I tried to keep up with it at the last election, but I just don't care anymore. Yes it's tragic that there are wars going on and that people kill each other, that unemployment is rising, etc... etc... etc... But whether I read about it or not isn't going to help.


Well-known member
I got an old friend who stopped following the news because he couldn't take all the negativity they said. But he lives in the woods as well, so I guess he wont notice how the world is coming down until they start chopping down all the trees or bombs hit around his house. Until then: I guess I envy him.

Sometimes I think you could get more upset when they don't let us now how horrible things are, then the other way around. If you're too positive, people wont notice something is wrong and will contine for example destroying the planet. But if you spike up too much fear, murder will probably follow.


Well-known member
if I'm honest i don't watch tv, i don't even have tv, and i don't read the news. So I'm pretty uninformed usually, i don't even care. we live in a fcked up world, and always will


Well-known member
When I was in my 20s I subscribed to 5 newspapers, read them cover to cover everyday. Now, 2 decades later, I haven't picked up a newspaper in...I don't know when. The only thing I do is glance at DrudgeReport once a week, mainly out of sheer curiosity, I suppose.

I used to keep up with politics, but not so much anymore.

I think I get too annoyed and just tune it out if that makes sense.

I do read Blastr and the Onion!


Well-known member
^the Onion is America's finest new source

that it is! These days I am easily amused, rarely shocked :D
such as this recent article:

5-Year-Old Announces Circle No Longer Her Favorite Shape
May 12, 2012 |
The shocking turnaround in Billings’ shape preferences has left experts scrambling to discern a possible successor favorite.

ALLENTOWN, PA—Radically reversing nearly three weeks of precedent, local 5-year-old Tricia Billings announced Saturday that the circle was no longer her favorite shape.

"Circles aren't my favorite anymore," said Billings, denouncing the closed-curve geometric construction that, just last month, she called "the best shape in the whole world." "I don't like them."

The stunning announcement reportedly comes after Billings had taken a staunch pro-circle stance by talking constantly about circles; pointing out circular objects during car rides; and sometimes even running into the living room, showing her parents a picture of a circle, and then running back to her bedroom.

In fact, just moments prior to Saturday's definitive anti-circle declaration, Billings was reportedly seen using crayons to color in multiple circles on an otherwise blank sheet of construction paper, a seemingly contradictory signal that has made it difficult for observers to speculate upon the motivation behind her groundbreaking retraction.

"I don't like triangles, either," said Billings, eliminating all three-sided polygons from the short list of contenders for most-admired shape. "Jenny likes triangles. I want my own favorite."

According to sources, the 5-year-old's sudden renunciation of the circle is only the most recent display of erratic behavior in a week that has also seen an abrupt switch of her favorite color from red to green and a sudden, entirely unanticipated condemnation of her Yo Gabba Gabba! CD, which she reportedly used to listen to on loop.

While Billings has yet to announce an interim favorite shape, sources close to the 5-year-old have suggested that trapezoids, rectangles, and—following her discovery of stop signs earlier this month—octagons could all be potential candidates.

Billings' mother, Sandra, who was overheard saying, "That's nice, dear," in response to the surprising dinner-table announcement, did not address her daughter's selection of a new favorite shape.

"She has such an active imagination," Sandra Billings, 35, told reporters in the wake of her daughter's statement, which threw the child's shape rankings into complete chaos and called into question her current opinions on squares, ovals, and pentagons. "Every week she seems to talk about new, exciting things she's learned at school."

Amid what is widely expected to be a tumultuous and disruptive transition, Billings reaffirmed she still really likes hearts and macaroni and cheese. Still, experts across the country said they couldn't help but feel a little caught off guard by Billings' reversal.

“Tricia threw us a real curveball here,” said Education Secretary Arne Duncan, adding that even though Billings has been vacillating between circles and trapezoids for a few weeks now, he had assumed the round shape would remain her favorite for the foreseeable future. “Frankly, if she's capable of turning her back on circles, anything is possible. She says giraffes are still her favorite animal, but at this point I don't whether we should accept that at face value or take it with a grain of salt.”

“I'm not sure,” Duncan continued, “but once the dust settles, I do think she'll be back to drawing circles all over everything, maybe by the end of the month even, but who knows.”

Attempts to reach Billings for a follow-up interview were put on hold following the alarming discovery that after eight months of antagonistic behavior toward classmate Jeremy Caldwell, Billings no longer finds him gross.