I know it's not up to me to keep the entire conversation going, but sometimes when people say something I can't think of anything to say back unless they ask me a question or something.....then I guess alot of people expect me to ask something back, and sometimes I don't know what to ask, so I don't. 8O
For some people I think it's just an excuse, that they don't want to talk to me...like my ex...when we first started talking, online, we could talk for hours about things, but after a few months I guess he got bored of me because he said we "didn't talk enough" but he never made an effort to talk to me. I wanted to talk to him but I guess because he didn't want to, he just blamed it all on me. :roll: I found out, it wasn't even why he broke up with me anyway, it was over something entirely different but one reason he gave me is that we "didn't talk enough".
Maybe that's just everyone's excuse...maybe they all actually think I'm not good enough to talk to them or something, and they just want to blame it all on me. :roll:
And I can't talk to people I don't know. 8O That's impossible, unless they talk to me first and they never do.