How do i see a psychiatrist without family knowing?


Well-known member
I need professional help, i have a myriad of personality and mental health problems, incapacitating depression amongst them, and absolutely horrid self esteem. I've accepted that just talking to my friends isn't a long term solution, i need a professional, I just can't let my family know, for personal reasons.
How exactly does a 15 year old see a psychiatrist without anyone knowing?
I need professional help, i have a myriad of personality and mental health problems, incapacitating depression amongst them, and absolutely horrid self esteem. I've accepted that just talking to my friends isn't a long term solution, i need a professional, I just can't let my family know, for personal reasons.
How exactly does a 15 year old see a psychiatrist without anyone knowing?

You may be able to get psychological counselling through your school, otherwise, get along to see your doctor and see what they suggest


Well-known member
well given the age it may be very hard but for me its a little easyier as im 21 but i hide my meds, letters from doctors and that, when i go to therapy i just say im going out for a bit or just say im meeting some poeple, my family havent even noticed ive changed my benefits aswell now, even tho i get my money a week later then before.

it sounds hard to hide this sorta thing but its alot easyier then you think, im not sure how therapists work for under 18's tho, you should be able to keep it secret but they might require you to be with an adult, go to the doctors first and see if he can help and ask if there is anyway of going to therapy without telling your parents as your not ready to tell them yet


Well-known member
Canada? It is probably the same system as where I am. Goto your doctor/gp and get referred to a therapist or a psychiatrist. You have to push to get results. Demand your right to see a consultant psychiatrist if you don't know what is wrong with you. Demand to see a therapist/psychotherapist if you really need to get treatment now.

I saw a school counsellor who was no use at all. They are not equipped to deal with deep seated mental issue.s


Well-known member
You might want to see a psychologist rather than a psychiatrist unless you want to start going on medication. First see your GP and s/he should give you a referral. I hope you have health cover otherwise seeing a psych can be quite expensive.


Well-known member
Okay, I'm not sure of these personal problems, so this is me giving pretty ignorant advice.
I suggest being open with your illness is the best route to take. :) Tell your family. Hopefully they support you.