How do I get my memory working?


Well-known member
Hello Everyone.

Does anyone have the same problem as me?

I flit through life, trapped in a bubble of overthinking and anxiety. Trouble is, I can't remember anything people say, no matter how hard I try to focus and absorb, it's gone!

Having done some research online, there's some great tools on how to remember shopping lists and phone numbers, or exam revision tools. But nothing to remember what happens in the moment. People find it rude when I can't remember any conversation !


Active member
try and take time to relax more, to read, be out in the sunshine and fresh air, go to meetings or debates or clubs and try some memory games, workbooks and maybe try a different job. ive noticed my memory has deteriorated and im not as sharp and quick as i used to be. stress, anxiety, depression and worry clouds up your brain. make sure you're getting plenty of uninterrupted sleep and plenty of vitamin d. good luck!


Well-known member
Anxiety messes with your brain.

When I am stressed and looking at someone I have difficulty following any conversations. Covering or closing my eyes reducing the input to my brain makes it easier for me to follow what is being said. But the social people gets upset by it and want me to look at them and then suddenly I am the stupid one.

A lot of conversation also includes body language and facial expressions, and people who suffer from depression lose the ability to read emotions, making conversations very bland and forgettable.