Homosexuality, how it happens?


Well-known member
I think its social, its mental, like a matter of taste for these people... I mean some people have soo much sex with the opposite sex that they get bored and start feeling like trying something new so they go bisexual... I guess too much of anything is not good for you.. With exception to people that know or feel from the beginning that their biology drives them towards that direction..


Well-known member
I think its social, its mental, like a matter of taste for these people... I mean some people have soo much sex with the opposite sex that they get bored and start feeling like trying something new so they go bisexual... I guess too much of anything is not good for you.. With exception to people that know or feel from the beginning that their biology drives them towards that direction..

I don't think I will ever get bored with having sex with women.


Well-known member
Yea, I wonder about homosexuality a lot too. I've always figured that people are homosexual in the same way that I'm socially anxious; in that it's partly genetic, partly environmental and there's very little choice involved. It's just the way I feel. Whether it's right or wrong I think depends on the societal context, but that's a whole other question.

EDIT: actually, I've been thinking, there could be more choice involved than I thought....I'm really not sure. It's pretty complex and mysterious the way we all turn out!...I'm gonna remain undecided for now....
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Well-known member
I don't think I will ever get bored with having sex with women.

I dont think i would either but i heard stories.. I also saw guys that went homosexual because they werent* confident enough to pick up girls or got turned down by many in a harsh manner which made them lose confidence with themselves and doubt their sexuality... Society is sick...
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yeah, i mean if ur a kid and you felt it since you're young id understand that but how is it that some people say "they just found out they are gay?

They always had those feelings but either suppressed them or didn't understand them.

For some people, there are a lot of pieces to the puzzle, and all of them have to fit together before they can clearly see the picture and what it means.


I dont think i would either but i heard stories.. I also saw guys that went homosexual because they werent* confident enough to pick up girls or got turned down by many in a harsh manner which made them lose confidence with themselves and doubt their sexuality... Society is sick...
Honda* remarks like this truely upset me! Noone choses a gay lifestyle. Now if you are truely from Dubai, then they are one of a few countries that are uneducated about homosexuality and still mark it as illegal.
Face it there is tremendous hate for homosexuality which cause many, many to surpress their true identity. This may cause an illusion of a married guy suddenly "turn gay" when all it is, is a guy forced into a straight society and then finally confirming who he is. Noone Turns or becomes gay, or get Tired of girls..NO, NO, NO...now you can have sick people that do what-ever, people that have sex with children ect, those kind of people can do weird stuff yes.. But your "Normal" Gay person had a good or great idea of there sexuality when they were sexually mature enough to relize what that was...Gay people turning gay, for Christ sakes! God makes us gay! If your gay, you are normal...You can however "act" however you want to act, but your still GAY. I truely feel sorry for the 10% gay population in Dubai that are forced to hide and take drugs to change themselves.....urggg...makes me mad:confused:


Well-known member
Yes there is a quite noticeable gay population in Dubai and there is alot of sick people like child molestor running that do alot of sick things... The government rounded the whole thing as one issue... The government is strict about homosexuality as people there dont quite understand homosexuality much; well ill tell you something they mix homosexuality with child molesters & there is alot of perverts in Dubai so they worry about these things becoming common if homosexuals were to be given their full rights.. but actually they're not missing much really they arent understood by the government but they are a common part of local society there.. They do manage to live their lives and do what they want except you dont see it expressed in public..

& regarding my comment there is an Iraqi friend i know who is lost and doesnt quite know his sexuality, he is kind of feminine but hes not sure if he's straight or gay and I never really spoke to him about it cuz i dont want to stick my nose in his personal matters..
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Help me out here. How does a person consciously choose to experience sexual attraction to someone in the first place ? Does the person think "oh I will try to force myself to feel a sexual feeling the same gender or the opposite" or does it just happen automatically like it was out of their control ?