
Well-known member
Hi, i used to be a member of this site but i have been busy in College so i don't really have time to log in. I was in youtube watching a video of depression and i left a comment. My comment was does anyone have depression so bad that they have to constantly go to the bathroom?. Then in a few hrs i got a replied by someone who said "hey you might have pyroluria, please do some research and check the symptoms". I was like well thank you and i will go check the symptoms and i did and i have almost all of the symptoms. I have never heard of PYROLURIA before and i found it interesting how this is not well known so i am posting this because i am sure that some of you might have it and might not know it. I am posting this in hopes to see who has it and let see who shares this symptoms. Below i will post the definition of PYROLUIA and its symptoms.

**I copied and pasted this from a FORUM** Please feel free to do your own research if you like**.

Pyroluria is a blood condition. In our blood, we have Kryptopyrroles (nothing to do with Superman!). These pyrroles remove unwanted substances from our blood and are passed through the urine. When a person has too many pyrroles, they have Pyroluria. An excess of pyrolles means that they start removing additional substances from the blood, in particular vitamins and minerals such as B6, B12, Zinc, and Manganese. (B6 and Zinc are the most commonly lost)

The loss of these particular vitamins and minerals can exacerbate mental illness, autism, and ADHD as they are needed to maintain neurological balance. Excessive loss of these can lead to psychosis and this disorder is common amongst those with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression, anxiety, autism and in some with ADHD. Alcoholism is prevalent in those with Pyroluria too.

Schizophrenia 27%
Depression 20%
Autism 20%
Bipolar Disorder 18%
General population 10%

A person can have mild pyroluria and not struggle much, but in times of stress, the disorder can "flare up" and production of pyrroles can increase, causing increased stripping of essentials from the blood, and thus causing further setbacks.

Some signs and symptoms: Common emotional and physical characteristics of pyroluria.
Little or no dream recall
White spots on finger nails
Poor morning appetite +/- tendency to skip breakfast
Morning nausea
Pale skin +/- poor tanning +/- burn easy in sun
Sensitivity to bright light
Hypersensitive to loud noises
Reading difficulties (e.g. dyslexia)
Poor ability to cope with stress
Mood swings or temper outbursts
Histrionic (dramatic)
Argumentative/enjoy argument
Much higher capability & alertness in the evening, compared to mornings
Poor short term memory
Abnormal body fat distribution
Dry skin
Significant growth after the age of 16

It is not necessary to have all of these, and having several of these doesn't necessarily mean a positive for pyroluria, but the list is a good indicator of whether a test is needed.

The good news is as follows:
1. The test is simple and pain-free - a urine test.
2. The treatment is simple and pain-free - vitamins taken to replace what is being lost. These are not cheap, but it seems to me such a simple solution in our world of complex answers is a wonder to behold.

My son was diagnosed with pyroluria last year. Since he started on his vitamins I saw huge accelerated social development, reduction in anxiety, increased willingness to participate in the world around him, and less overall exhaustion. I believe this diagnosis has kick-started a new phase in his life where the world is beginning to open up and new opportunities are offering themselves to him.

We now have a light at the end of the tunnel and I can picture him potentially as an independent adult.

I have heard of some studies which are underway where they have tested children with severe autism (non-verbal), and treated those with a positive for pyroluria, with a vitamin regime. Apparently the success rate is phenomenal and some of these children start talking within two weeks of commencing treatment.

For further information I would recommend this site:

I would also recommend reading through some of the links at the bottom of that page - they lead to further research papers and very interesting in depth information.

Ok, most of these symptoms sound completely normal and not part of an illness...things like little or no dream recall? That's what almost everyone has! I never remember my dreams, or if I do they're gone in like three minutes. Oh no, I must have a blood condition! :rolleyes: Dry skin, pale skin, poor morning appetite, argumentative, anxiousness...and loads of other ones, are perfectly normal and usual complaints.
This sounds like cyberchondria! (...the imagined conditions afflicting patients who have turned to the internet for diagnosis)
ObeyTheFist Quizzes - Worst Case Scenario Internet Diagnosis: Enter Your Symptoms ::p:


Well-known member

No need to be rude there are more symptoms, why don't you try researching. If you actually read the info and have done some research you will see that is a zinc and b6 deficiency. Also, getting a lot of infections and anemia. I don't really eat healthy and as a kid i used to be hospitalized for infections and anemia. Then, i started to urinate almost every 10 minutes when i was just 9 years old. I have been checked to see if it was a bladder infection, UTI and i checked out OK. If you have actually read the info you would know that there is TEST FOR IT. I am not saying that everybody in this forum has it so please stop being so damn rude. All i am saying is for people to check it out because i have never heard of this before and i told my therapist about this so i will be getting test it to see if i have this.

1) Poor stress tolerance. This is often first noticed as a student completes high school and leaves homes for the more competitive world of college or a career. Stress levels skyrocket beyond previous (safe within the confines of the family) levels. With college students, symptoms are usually seen to be cyclical in that they increase and decrease with the cycle of the workload within the semester. Most crises usually surface as the end of the semester approaches.

2) A tendency to not be hungry for breakfast, sometimes even experiencing morning nausea.

3) Infrequent recall of dreams upon awakening. This does not mean necessarily being able to relay the dreams, but to remember dreaming.

4) Pain in the left upper quadrant of the body. This is because the spleen is congested. B6 is necessary to stabilize the red blood cell membranes and when a person is deficient in B6, the red cells turn over more rapidly than normal and that leads to congestion of spleen.

5) History of mild anemia that doesn’t respond to iron.

6) A tendency for skin to burn easily in the sun.

Examining the patient is likely to reveal: white spots on the fingernails; paleness (of complexion); and crowded incisors.

7) Preference for spicy or heavily flavored foods
Ok, I'm really sorry, I think you might have misunderstood me. I was in no way trying to be rude to you, or to disrespect your opinions or anything! I'm really sorry you thought I was rude! ::(:
All that I was trying to say was that I was skeptical about it when I read the symptoms. The symptoms seemed to be relatively normal everyday symptoms and I wondered if someone had just put them together as a 'condition'.
I wouldn't ever try to be rude to people on this forum, that would be pointless and being mean and cruel is NOT the kind of person I am.
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Well-known member
Alright sorry lol i might had read it differently. I totally understand what you mean. I was talking to my therapist and he told me that next time to tell him about this and i want to get tested. There are more symptoms like having cold feet and what not. Everytime i go to sleep, i have to get some socks on because my feet are always very cold. I eat very very badly, i don't eat no fruits, no veggies, and all i eat are basically unhealthy junk food since i was really small. Since there is a test for it, i guess it wouldn't hurt me to get tested since i am always having infections in my urine and when i was little they always found anemia in me. Also, this makes you constantly go to the bathroom, it takes the zinc and b6 through urine. I go to the bathroom almost every 10-20 minutes and sometimes i force myself to hold it. I am never in peace. Also another symptom is to get a pain when you get a really bad pain your stomach when you are doing certain activities. I just want to post this hear because i never here of this before and i found it very interesting.

I just think that maybe some people need to check this out before they get on anti depressants or any medicine. With this you can get tested so you are not just going to take Zinc and B6 without you knowing why. Also Vitamin B is good for the stress.
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yeah, if the test is just a urine test then why wouldn't you get it done since it's so easy, you may as well!
And it's so easy to misread things when something's written, you can mean it a totally different way and it comes out looking like something else! So all is well! :D
You should eat veggies and fruit, ha! I knew a girl in school that was exactly the same, she only ate junk food. I guess I'm lucky that I love veggies! Not so much fruit, but hey, I'm half way there!
Good luck in getting the test done :)


Well-known member
Thanks lol but i am very very very picky eater. I don't eat no fruits whatsoever!!! I am trying to change it but is hard because i get nauseous. Anyways thank you, i would come back when i get tested with the results.