Hi, I'm new


I'm happy to have found this forum. I'm 25 from OH. I've suffered with sp ALL my life, and always felt as though I was crazy because I've never met anyone else who goes through the same thing until I found this site. I desperately want to change and still have hope that my life won't be this way forever. I have a beautiful 6 yr old daughter whom so far has not showed any signs of sp, which I'm grateful for, my biggest fear is for her to end up like me. I want to take in any advice anyone has to offer to overcome sp... thankx in advance


when you say all your life do you mean befoer the age of 11/12 too? cause if that is true and your 6 year old is not showing any signs then you have nothing to worry about

Yes, my earliest memory of sp was around 7 or 8, going to school and everyone saying..ahh she's so shy, or why don't you talk... or you look scared! My mom even told me that when I was a baby she could hardly hear me cry..


Edited: If the father doesn't have SA, there is also a good chance your daughter will come clean.

No, he does not have sp. He is doing all he can to understand it though, even found me a support group which I have yet to attend.. My mom has some sp so I believe it is something that can be inherited.


Thanks Basil, like I said my biggest fear is her turning out like me, so I constantly evaluate her in social situations. I had always isolated myself, and was never involved in any activities in school or as a kid in general so I think that made my sp worst. So I'm determined to keep my daughter active. I've signed her up for soccer, and she's in girl scouts and loves it. One thing that made me proud was seeing her and the other girl scouts singing songs for all the parents. At the end they each had to state their name and tell their favorite activity they did in the club..my daughter raised her hand excited to talk first, and a couple other girls didnt say anything at all because they were too afraid to speak in front of everybody. Little things like that, I really pay attn to. She's starting cheerleading next month, and she's excited about it, so hopefully she's clean