Hi Everyone


I just joined an wanted to indroduce myself. I am 51 years old and have suffered from social anxiety since I was 19 and a sophmore in college. At the time I didn't know what was happening to me (I don't think there was even a name for it) and I thought I was going crazy! I never had any problems making friends or being in social situations, but I was starting to have panic attacks and get very paranoid when people would look at me while I was doing something with my hands (like signing my name). I could never get up and make a presentation in front of a class. In fact I faked a sickness just to get out of a speech that I was supposed to give in one of my classes. I was embarrassed, scared, freaked out and I did NOT TELL A SOUL. I managed to graduate (incredibly with honors) and go on to be an accountant, all the while trying to avoid situations that would trigger an attack. Still, I kept it all to myself. "AVOIDANCE WAS THE ANSWER". It would somehow go away (WRONG)! In the over 30 years that I have had this desease, I have gotten married but have had no children. My husband is very supportive but he has his own problems as well. I started taking Xanax prescribed by a physician when I was in my 30's. In my 40's I started seeing a psychiatrist. He also prescribes Xanax. I have tried other medications - Zoloft, Lexipro (the gamut). They do not work for me. In the last year, I have gotten worse but my will is so strong, that I cannot give up. I fear that one day it won't be enough. Is there someone out there that can help?


Well-known member
Everyone is diffirent so everyone reacts diffirent to a medicine. I have taken none of those you said so I can't help you with experiences or so. I do know that having a strong will is a must!;)
Welcome to the site !:D


Hey Evi

Welcome to the site.Sorry to hear about your problems.If medication doesn't seem to be working for you, (and even if Xanax helps which I'm sure it does,Xanax is like a painkiller..as in it will treat the pain but wont cure the wound)then maybe you should push for some sort of therapy.

C.B.T which stands for cognitive behavioral therapy,seems to be the most common and efficient therapy for our problems.It works by trying to get us to challenge our negative thinking patterns and beliefs.Also in small steps with support from the therapist you do exposure therapy which involves going into anxiety provoking situations with the hopes that after a while you will see a reduction in your anxiety.

I have also heard of another therapy called Mindfulness which is meant to be very good.My therapist trained in it and she believes it is very helpful though I don't know much about it myself.

So yeah just wanted you to know there are still options and treatments out there you can try so don't give up hope :) I'm sure there are many others that I do not know about too.